【ゼミ活動】2010年10月5日(火) 防衛省・嶋本学一等陸佐様にご講義頂ました。

続いて、5限にはハーバード大学マイケル・サンデル教授による「白熱教室@東京大学」を鑑賞し、正義の概念(功利主義、人間の尊厳、美徳と共通善)やBenthamとJohn Stuart Millの功利主義の違いを確認しました。そして、同様のテーマやaffirmative action(マイノリティーにも平等な機会を与える)の是非を題材にゼミ内で議論を行いました。(光達)


【国際機構論】2010年10月5日(火) Mr. Johan Cels UNHCR駐日代表









【国際機構論】2010年9月21日(火) 長谷川祐弘法政大学教授 






【研修旅行】2010.9.2(Thu) Jointed briefing with Toyo University given by Ms. Pramodini, Officer of ILO

On September 2, a briefing session was held on the role of ILO in Sri Lanka. Professor Kenji Yoshinaga and his students from Toyo University joined us in the meeting which was held at the UN Office in Colombo. Ms.Pramodini, Program Officer of ILO, made a power point presentation concerning and explained A Decent Work Agenda based on Rights,
Employment, Protection and Dialog. She stressed the equality of opportunity and treatment for all Sri Lankan citizens, particularly the conditions of work for labors. (Kimura Ryota)


【研修旅行】Study Groups Visit COMPASIS Projects Sites

On September 9, the study tour participants were constituted into two separate groups. They visited separately two villages where COMPASIS (Community Mobilization for Poverty Alleviation and Social Inclusion in Service deliver) was working. One group went to a village called Lete-foho. (meaning “top of the mountain” ) while another one group visited Ponirala. At Lete-foho, local people welcomed the study group in a traditional way. Our representatives were given some traditional clothes. There were some schools for improving literacy of inhabitants there. An elderly woman showed the ability to write by writing “welcome” and her name on the blackboard. Then, we found UNISEF’s contribution to the villages in building sanitation facilities like toilets and wells.All in all, we had a great time with local people and could see how the COMPASIS and UNICEF were working in local areas. In Ponilala,we recieved a cordial welcome from the people and inspected the construction site of the bridge and the “thausand toilet” project. (Usui and Kato)


【研修旅行】International Aid Agencies in Timor-Leste

On September 8, the study group learned about the roles and activities of various mulitilateral and bilateral aid agencies such as UNDP,IOM,COMPASIS,JICA and UNICEF. Mr.Kukita showed a TV programe on the history of Timor-Leste and explained the activities of UNICEF in this country. For example, he invited the movie actor, Jackie Chan, to Timor-Leste. Jackie Chan taught the Timorese martial arts groups about the principle of the martial arts which emphasized the importance of discipline and peacebul mind of practioners. It resulted in a sharp reduction in the number of their violent crimes. Mr. Kukita also expounded the meaning of psychological development of children and said that their form of identity was related to peace building. (Kodatsu)


【研修旅行】Parliament President LaSama Meets Japanese Students

Fernando Lasama de Araujo, President of the Timo-Leste National Parliament, held a meeting with a group of more than 40 Japanese study tour participants at his parliament office on September 7. He briefed the visitors on how the composition of the Parliament and how the business was conducted. In response to a question about the frequent changes in the Prime Minister of Japan in recent years, Mr. Lasama said “the State would have collapsed if it had happened in Timor-Leste. It is noteworthy that Japan has a strong foundation for democracy so that the government can continue even under such a condition.” (Yuho Nakagawa)


【研修旅行】UNDP Country Director Douglas Keh Presents UN Support Activities

UNDP Country Director Douglas Keh assisted by Aiko Cakir made an informative presentation on support extended by UN agencies particularly UNDP to Sri Lanka. It included support to resettlement and recovery of the northern province. Mr. Douglas Keh responded to many questions asked by students about child soldiers, the conditions faced by internally displaced persons and how UN assistance activities are coordinated by the Resident Coordinator.(Misu)


【研修旅行】Timor-leste Study Tour; Day 1(PM)

 After we visited UNMIT, we attended the consulting meeting between Xanana Gusmão, President of Timor Leste and the citizens.At the meeting, people asked president to implement developing policies for themselves and showed chorus to welcome him. In the speach, president said that people should stop fighting with each other and unite for Timor Leste. Moreover, he promised people that his government will implement those policies strategically, and implove quality of life of people.