石川薫・小浜裕久著「歴史の真実を敗者の視点で」日本経済新聞 (10/03/2018)
日本の元外交官で東京大学客員教授、外務省経済局局長、エジプト駐箚特命全権大使、カナダ大使などを歴任された石川薫氏が小浜裕久教授と、アフリカでの歴史を踏まえて、教育、医療、高付加価値農業の開発課題を語り、高みから教えるのではなく、相手に寄り添いながら、アフリカの潜在力を引き出す姿勢の必要性を説く。 (写真: 在カナダ日本国大使館)
日本の元外交官で東京大学客員教授、外務省経済局局長、エジプト駐箚特命全権大使、カナダ大使などを歴任された石川薫氏が小浜裕久教授と、アフリカでの歴史を踏まえて、教育、医療、高付加価値農業の開発課題を語り、高みから教えるのではなく、相手に寄り添いながら、アフリカの潜在力を引き出す姿勢の必要性を説く。 (写真: 在カナダ日本国大使館)
鈴木佑司理事長と川上千春事務局長が率いるユネスコ協会連盟から学ぶことが多々あった。(長谷川祐弘) (Photo: ING進学教室)
アフガニスタン、オーストラリア、日本とネパールの大学院生が、元国連東ティモール事務総長特別代表と東ティモール受容真実和解委員会(CAVR)、重大犯罪プロセス(SCP)、専門家委員会(COE)、真実友好委員会(CTF)の意義と役割について検証(報告者 三浦帆奈)
In a Video Message, Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General Sukehiro Hasegawa Explains How Japan Engineering Group of the Japanese Defense Forces contributed to infrastructure rehabilitation in Timor-Leste.
Mr. Ad de Raad, a modest, charismatic and caring leader, introduced profound changes within the UN system enhancing the relevance of volunteerism to peace and development worldwide.
Participants discussed measures to enhance the collaborative relationship between ACUNS and East Asian countries including the possibility of the ACUNS Liaison Office to facilitate the participation of East Asian scholars and practitioners in ACUNS` Annual Meetings.
Anthony Duncker, Deputy Director of the Field Personnel Division (FPD) UN Headquarters New York and Naoual Driouich, Chief of Human Resources Section of UN Volunteers (UNV) Boon made detailed explanations to about 40 Japanese who are interested in joining the UN system.
At the conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies held in Kyoto, Japan, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office Deputy Director, Prof. Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo, presented her findings on the militarization of UN Police personnel and the rise of Protection of Civilians mandates in UN peace operations.
The SG proposes to make the peace and security pillar more coherent, nimble and effective through a “whole-of-pillar” approach by aligning the peace and security pillar more closely with the development and human rights pillars.
Ken Inoue, one of UNITAR Advisory Board members, reports on UNITAR`s pre-deployment training program for military personnel and formed police units assigned to UN Peacekeeping operations.
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono voted for the resolution as it would be a powerful engine to advance the UN reform efforts and explained the importance of capacity building of UN peacekeepers.
Well planned and organized seminar is attended by 30-40 participants who asked about the changing roles of Japan in UN peace operations.
Minister Pereira`s appointment signifies PM Alkatiri and CNRT Leader Xanana Gusmao`s willingness to make a prudent approach in addressing Timor-Leste needs: peace, stability and accountable governance.
Hasegawa expresses his hope that Prime Minister Alkatiri can succeed in not only governing the country peacefully but also transforming it into a self-reliant country without corruption.