[Study-Tour] Timor-Leste Briefing at KOICA about education.

August 30 is the national referendum anniversary day, so people celebrated it, and Dili got excited. There were small festivals here and there in Dili.
After the lunch, we had KOICA’s briefing. They welcomed us very much and explained their education support activities in Timor-leste.
Finally we had question and discussion time, and Mrs. Jung said it is important to try to see a bigger picture when we travel Timor-leste. It was a worthwhile time. (Mai Nakasendo)


[Study-Tour] Timor-Leste We went to JICA’s office and two NGOs.

On Ausgust 29, We left the hotel at 9:30. First, we went to CAVR. A staff showed us three exhibition rooms about the history of Timor-leste, and the human rights. And a staff recommended us to enter “the dark shell”. In the dark shell, we could experience the atmosphere of the actual prison. After the quick tour, instead of the director, the chief librarian Mr. Aventino gave us the breifing. He explained why CAVR established, and what CAVR’s activities are, he also gave us CAVR’s final report as a gift. We had some chinese food for lunch, and we headed to JICA. Mr.Okumura gave us a lecture about their main project in Timor-Leste. Finally, we went to REDE FETO. She explained traditional role of women in Timor-Leste and recent situation of women which is . She said to make Timor-Leste better country, women’s role is important as well as men’s, and women and men should implement eachother. (Dona Jung)


【ゼミ活動】 2011年7月19日 JICA林径子様による特別セッション 「JICAの東ティモールにおける役割」

 On 19th July 22, 2011 we held a special session “JICA’s cooperation to Timor-Leste” delivered by Ms. Kimiko Hayashi as the final lecture of the first semester 2011. Among the special session, Ms. Hayashi explained three discussion points; History of Timor-Leste from 2000, transitions of its development plan and cooperation by the Government of Japan. Throughout the lecture, she pointed out possible problems of Timor-Leste such as lack of work, low rate of food self-sufficiency and departure from dependence on oil. Finally she gave us one discussion point what the reason of Japan’s corporation to Timor-Leste today is. In the Q&A session, many of students asked various questions to Ms. Hayashi and she answered them with many suggestion points. (Yusuke Noda)


【研修旅行】2011年6月7日(火) 1999年以降の東ティモール史(土屋喜生先輩)

 2011年6月7日に東ティモールで選挙支援のインターンをなされていた土屋喜生先輩をお招きし、1999年以降の東ティモールの歴史について、暴力、権力、構造の点からご説明頂きました。土屋さんは、1999年から2002年までのUNTAETによる暫定統治期について、選挙と暴動、憲法制定、大統領選挙の点に重点をおき説明されました。次に、2006年までのマリ・アルカティリ・フレテリン政権についての評価、2006年の暴動の原因の分析、2007年の選挙結果とそれ以降のグスマオ政権についての変化と評価、最後に今後の展開について、近年の動きを基にご説明されました。土屋先輩による2回にわたる講義を経て、東ティモール研修旅行の勉強を深めていく基礎を築くことが出来ました。また講義終了後、懇親会が行われ、土屋先輩より東ティモールでの生活についてや、当時のゼミの様子などをお聞きし交流を深めました。 (寺内明穂)


【研修旅行】2011年5月31日(火) 東ティモールのアイデンティティと分析方法(土屋喜生先輩)

 On May 31 2011, Mr. Kisho Tsuchiya who graduated from the Hasegawa Seminar lectured on the Timorese identity and the methods of analyzing East-Timor for the member of the study tour on East-Timor 2011. In the first half of his lecture, he introduced the agreement on East-Timor between Portugal and Indonesia in 1999. Next, he indicated how “The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste” and “Timorese” built this agreement and the history of independence of East-Timor. In the latter half of the lecture, he introduced 6 tools for analyzing Timor-Leste such as Language, Age-groups, Race, Sex, Religion and Key persons. (Shogo Yoshida)
