Japanese Scholar: Intellectual history about the Timorese people is more complex than known before (22/11/2015)
Kisho Tsuchiya argues “East Timor Problem” was a tragedy caused by imposition of the logic of “national Self-determination”.
Kisho Tsuchiya argues “East Timor Problem” was a tragedy caused by imposition of the logic of “national Self-determination”.
At the foot of Mount Fuji, former Hasegawa students discussed the challenges facing them as well as their employers. In the manufacturing sector, they found the need for their companies to transform as well as themselves, while in the service sector, they felt the high expectations imposed on them.
They spent several hours until mid-night discussing their roles and challenges they had faced in their work, work-life balance, and universal values in enhancing their career as well as their life.
On 29 November 2014, an annual OB/OG reunion dinner was held at cafe carat. This year, it was organized by Ms. Minako Ishikawa and Ms. Yui Narikawa who are the seventh year students of the Hasegawa seminar. 34 former students kindly came and enjoyed this party. As usual, they introduced themselves and talked to each other about their recent activities. After that, Professor Hasegawa gave a presentation about his activities in 2014 as well as some messages to seminar students. He kindly mentioned the way how to survive such a globalized competitive society and how to get happiness. We also decided that the next reunion party will be held by the second year students of the seminar. All of us seemed to enjoy the dinner and miss the days of seminar activities with Professor Hasegawa. (Minako Ishikawa)
On 29th November 2014, a class union of the Hasegawa seminar class held its annual reunion in the café carat of Nakameguro, Tokyo. This party was organized mainly by Ms. Narikawa and Ms. Ishikawa who are the seventh year students of the Hasegawa seminar class. More than thirty graduates and Professor Hasegawa participated in the event. They talked about not only their good old days but also their present situation. After a pleasant chat, Professor Hasegawa made a speech entitled “How to overcome the global competitive society and how to be happy: Looking back on my activities in 2014”. He suggested that we know ourselves, especially termini ad quem of our self-actualization, with the phrases by Lao Tzu, Son Tzu and Confucius as well as Immanuel Kant. Finally, he gave us a lot of his favorite ties. As for the next class union, the second year students of the seminar will play a central role in planning and organizing. We are looking forward to your next participation and a happy reunion. (Shogo Yoshida)
Mr. Shogo Yoshida, former student of Professor Hasegawa’s seminar class (2013), is accepted by the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (Todai) for his study in the Human Security. He will be enrolled in the international relations course with major in International Social Science. We congratulate Shogo on this accomplishment and wish him all the best in his graduate school study at the Todai.
On 7 December 2013, Professor Hasegawa`s former students numbering as many as 46 gathered together at Place de Nostalgie table for a reunion dinner. Many came from outside of Tokyo, including Mr. Soichiro Hirabayashi who came from the southern island of Kyushu. The reunion meeting was organized by Ms. Sayuri Maruyama and Mr. Keiki Takemasa of the 6th Year Seminar Class. Each class students spoke about what they are doing after graduation from Hosei University. Mr. Yusuke Noda who is currently studying at University of Sussex in England addressed the group by a video message. Many of the participants went to a follow-on dinner after the formal reunion. (Yasuki Uchiyama)
長谷川先生、式から日が経ってしまいましたが卒業式の報告をいたします。3月24日、5期生のうち7名(高橋、加藤、橋本、平田、光達、近藤、野田)が卒業いたしました。卒業式当日は、4期生の大山さん、山崎さんが式に駆けつけてくださりました。 当日、国際政治学科では学位記が、菱田先生と萩谷先生から学生に渡されました。学位記を授与される際、大学4年間のこと、長谷川ゼミでの経験が走馬灯のごとく思い出されました。大きなセレモニーとはもっと形式的なものとこのときまで思っていましたが、直接経験すると、感慨深いものがあり、過去の思い出と、学位を授与された重みを感じました。また大山さんからは、「野田君をはじめ後輩のみんなが頑張ってきたからその学位記には重みがあるんだ」といった旨の言葉を頂きました。最後になりましたが、スイスからのゼミ生へのメッセージありがとうございました。春に、先生にお会い出来るのを楽しみにしております。(野田悠将)
Dear Professor Hasegawa (CC Professor Hoffmann),
Happy New Year Hasegawa sensei! I hope you are keeping yourself warm in spite of hard winter in Japan this year. I safely got back to Costa Rica about a week ago and the class started as usual. When we talked at the alumni party in December, you said you met a young professor who is from Germany and is professor of the University for Peace. Immediately, I thought that was Julia Hoffmann. So I talked with Julia today on campus and she was surprised at such a miracle connection!And also she mentioned that UNU and UPeace should have more connection in future. […]
On 8th December 2012, an alumni association of the Hasegawa Seminar was held at the PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO NISHIAZABU, Tokyo. The party was attended by 23 seminar students, 21 graduates and Professor Hasegawa. The participants reported on their jobs and works they are undertaking. And then, hey celebrated Professor Hasegawa’s birthday and gave him a big bouquet of flowers. Although this was the final alumni association before the Hasegawa Seminar class will finish at the end of March 2013, both Professor Hasegawa and his students pledged to maintain their group among the Seminar students, graduates and Professor Hasegawa. (Shogo Yoshida)
On 24th March 2012, seven students of the Hasegawa seminar class graduated from the Hosei University. They are: Kanako Sakai, Kotaro Matsuda, Ryosuke Ohyama, Ryota Kimura, Yuho Nakagawa, Yuki Yamazaki and Yuta Nakamoto. Here is a photo of the graduating class after the ceremony. Professor Hasegawa sent his best wishes from Cameroon, Africa, where he was conducting a peacekeeping training course for about 30 police officers from several francophone countries. (Yuta Nakamoto)
On 18th December 2011, 25 graduate students of the Hasegawa seminar class held a dinner party at an Italian restaurant in Ebisu, Tokyo. This party organized by Ms. Yuki Yamazaki was attended also by 16 current members of the Hasegawa seminar class. In this entertainment, also the video letters from Ms. Suefuji and Mr. Tsuchiya were introduced. Moreover, graduate members gave a muffler to Professor Hasegawa as his birthday present. Through this event, we promoted much more mutual friendship among the current and graduate members of the Hasegawa seminar class. (Shogo Yoshida)
12月11日(土)に第二回法政大学長谷川ゼミOB/OG会がSTEW KETTLE REBIRTH(渋谷区)にて開催されました。
Chika Suefuji has started her study at the University of California at Davis and has already many many friends. She says more than 30,000 students come from different continents and backgrounds to UC Davis which is one of the top 10 public universities in America.
It has been a month since I arrived at Truman State University (TSU) in Missouri.
日本の文化”をお客様に体感して頂き感動を与えるというミッションのもと、アメリカにあるウォルトディズニーワールドへ「カルチュアル・リプレゼンタティブ」として活躍する長谷川ゼミ卒業生の古市美奈 (古市美奈)