4-1-2. 長谷川ゼミ卒業生
長谷川ゼミ生懇親会を開催しました (17/12/2022)
長谷川ゼミ生の近況報告――平林聡一郎 (06/12/2017)
法政大学長谷川祐弘ゼミ生の報告会と懇親会開かれる (26/11/2017)
森千鶴さん、竹内隼人くん、中本雄太くん、加納真史くん、篠田優美さん、野口くん、峰川頌子さん、そして末藤千翔さんが、(a)卒業後にやってきたこと・取り組んでいること(近況報告)、(b)振り返り学んだこと・感じたこと、そして、(c) 今後やっていきたいこと(将来の抱負)を述べた。夕方に開かれた懇親会では長嶋くん、武正くん、そして伊藤さんが加わった。
Former Hosei students hold a reunion (26/03/2017)
Eight former Hasegawa seminar students discussed their working conditions and family lives with their former teacher.
Hirano Kyoko gets married (20/03/2017)
Hasegawa Seminar First Year Student Hirano Kyoko had a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony at famous Nogi Shrine which was established in November 1923 in honor of General Nogi Maresuke and his wife Shizuko.
Japanese Scholar: Intellectual history about the Timorese people is more complex than known before (22/11/2015)
Kisho Tsuchiya argues “East Timor Problem” was a tragedy caused by imposition of the logic of “national Self-determination”.
Kawaguchiko retreat participants discussed their employment challenges (21-22/11/2015)
At the foot of Mount Fuji, former Hasegawa students discussed the challenges facing them as well as their employers. In the manufacturing sector, they found the need for their companies to transform as well as themselves, while in the service sector, they felt the high expectations imposed on them.
Former students of the Hasegawa Seminar Class of Hosei University held their annual retreat near Mount Fuji (21-22/11/2015)
They spent several hours until mid-night discussing their roles and challenges they had faced in their work, work-life balance, and universal values in enhancing their career as well as their life.