【国際機構論】2011年6月21日 国連成果文書に関する分析(長谷川教授)
On 21 June 2011 Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture on the outcome document. The General Assembly adopted 2005 World Summit Outcome on 16th September 2005. Earlier in 2005, Secretary General Kofi Annan presented a progress report “In Larger Freedom” to the UN General Assembly on 21 March 2005. This report is divided into four main sections: “Freedom from Want”, “Freedom from Fear”, “Freedom to Live in Dignity” and “Strengthening the United Nations”. Anan proposed including this report in The General Assembly adopted 2005 World Summit Outcome in the United Nations General Assembly. As a conclusion of today’s lecture, Professor Hasegawa explained the meaning of main items mentioned in the Outcome Document. They included value and principle, development, peace and collective security, human rights and rule of law and strengthening the United Nations. (Keiki Takemasa)