【ゼミ活動】 2011年7月19日 JICA林径子様による特別セッション 「JICAの東ティモールにおける役割」

 On 19th July 22, 2011 we held a special session “JICA’s cooperation to Timor-Leste” delivered by Ms. Kimiko Hayashi as the final lecture of the first semester 2011. Among the special session, Ms. Hayashi explained three discussion points; History of Timor-Leste from 2000, transitions of its development plan and cooperation by the Government of Japan. Throughout the lecture, she pointed out possible problems of Timor-Leste such as lack of work, low rate of food self-sufficiency and departure from dependence on oil. Finally she gave us one discussion point what the reason of Japan’s corporation to Timor-Leste today is. In the Q&A session, many of students asked various questions to Ms. Hayashi and she answered them with many suggestion points. (Yusuke Noda)


【ゼミ活動】2011年7月12日 開発経済班プレゼン フェアトレードの可能性と課題

 On July 12th, the Developmental Economics group made a presentation on the historical background of fair trade and its necessity, solidarity, certification and challenges. After the presentation, we discussed possible ways for promoting the fair trade, from each group’s point of view; namely the private corporations and international organizations. (Keiki Takemasa)


【国際機構論】2011年7月12日 国家間の統合理論に関する解説(長谷川教授)

 On 12th July 12 2011, Prof. Hasegawa lectured on “Integrated theory between nations” and “European Union”. He explained that “integrated theory between nations” is made by four principles. These are “Federalism”, “Functionalism”, “Neo-Functionalism”, and “Liberal Intergovernmentalism”. He lectured on these principles in a lot of examples to teach it plainly. Then, he explained European Union. This topic was composed of “international or supranational organization?” and “the European Union has gone through many incarnations since its origins fifty-plus years ago”. He explained the history of European Union and European treaties’ history. (Soichiro Hirabayashi)


【Global Governance】7/13 Global Environmental Governance

On 29 June 2011, the last day of Global Governance class, Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture on the “Global Environmental Governance”. The lecture was divided into 5 parts: the definition of global environmental governance. global conferences, institutional mechanisms, climate change, the requirements for effective global environmental governance. In part1, 2, 3, he explained a number of conferences and the reasons for establishing institutions such as UNEP and UNFCCC. Moreover, he introduced Kyoto Protocol that aimed at reducing the emissions of green-gas materials in detail. In addition, he explained the key role of the USA and China as well as the need for renewed international commitment to sustainable development. In final part, professor Hasegawa concluded lecture with a brief identification of 5 challenging factors for effective environmental management: population growth, justice and equity, technological improvement and need for change in life-style. (Jieun Park)


【Global Governance】 7/6 Justice and Global Governance (Dr. Vesselin Popovski)

 On July 6, 2011, Dr. Vesselin Popovski, Senior Academic Officer United Nations University, Tokyo delivered a lecture, “Justice and Global Governance”. He explained Nuremburg/Tokyo Achievements in detail. This achievement mainly means that individuals become subject of International Law. And there are differences between ICC and hoc ICTs and also ICC and ICJ. After giving account of differences, he introduced the ICC prospects. At final part of his nice lecture, he mentioned that Justice creates short-term tension, but brings long-term peace.
(Eri Iijima)


【国際機構論】2011年7月5日 グローバルガバナンスにおける国連の役割とは?(元国連事務次長 明石康様)

 On 5th July 2011, Mr. Yasushi Akashi, a former United Nations Under-Secretary- General, gave a lecture on “the role of the United Nations in global governance” in the Sky hall. At first, he compared the Suez crisis with the Hungarian uprising of 1956, and stated the need to recognize that there were both the brighter side and the darker side in the record of the United Nations. Second, he referred to the great earthquake disaster in east Japan, and pointed out that Japan received heart-warming support from many countries because Japan had positively contributed to the global community. We should particularly remember that the support included not only government-level assistance, but also citizen level support from many people expressed through the Internet. He explained the United Nations in detail. He told us the importance of post-conflict peace-building, reduction of poverty and eradication of preschoolers, contained in the “United Nations Millennium Declaration” which was decided by the special general assembly in 2000. He also referred to the Outcome Document of 2005. Finally, he mentioned the overall view of the global community, in which problems and challenges are abundant in many areas. He ended his lecture with an emphasis that it was important not to lose sight of main currents in the world which show progress towards global governance. (Mai Kato)


【ゼミ活動】2011年7月5日 長谷川ゼミ、新体制で世代交代(新ゼミ長 平林聡一朗)

 On July 5, the memberrs of the Hasegawa Seminar Class elected its new leaders by secret ballot. The election of Mr. Soichiro Hirabayashi as Head of the Seminar and four others as Deputy Heads have been endorsed by Professor Hasegawa. The term of the new team will be for six months from August 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012. Head, Soichiro Hirabayashi, Sophmore, Department of Political Science. Deputy Heads, Sayuri Maruyama, Sophomore, Department of Political Science, and Eri Iijima, Sophomore, Department of Global Politics, and Keiki Takemasa, Sophomore, Department of Political Science, and Shogo Yoshida, Sophomore, Department of Global Politics. With my best regards. (Soichiro Hirabayashi, Head of the Hasegawa Seminar Class, 2011.8.1~2012.1.31)


【シンポジウム】2011.7.5. The Dialogues with Ambassadors Session IV was held in Skyhall.

 The fourth dialogue with an ambassador was held in the Sky Hall on 5 July 2011 with H.E. Mr. Lukman Faily, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Japan. Firstly he talked about Black Swan Theory of Prof. Nassim Nichol Taleb. After that Ambassador explained Iraq and Arab Countries with the data which are Political, Social and Economical. He also mentioned the key elements impacting change and the challenges for them. After the presentation, there was some question- and-answer period and a lot of students asked Ambassador many questions.(Nanami Ito)


【Global Governance】 6/29 “Social Constructivism” and “Justice and Democracy for Global Governance”

 On 29 June 2011, Professor Hasegawa lectured on the “Social Constructivism” and “Justice and Democracy for Global Governance”.
 Before he introduced Constructivism, he explained the four theories on international relations: classical realism, structural realism, classical liberalism and neo-liberalism. Constructivism is based on recognition of the important as well as universals and universal factors. The universal factors are Principles (which is universal), Values (which depends on your society or environment), Beliefs, Norms, Laws and Standards. According to the US Declaration of Independence, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are certain UNALIENABLE Rights.
 Professor Hasegawa also introduced the three theories of the justice for global governance: utilitarianism, libertarianism and the theory of justice. The “justice as fairness” is the most influential element in the theory of justice which is proposed by John Rawls. According to the “Perpetual Peace” by Immanuel Kant, if national sovereignty were left to the people rather than kings, there would be no war.
(Shogo Yoshida)


【国際機構論】2011年6月28日 国際刑事裁判の変遷と現状(国連大学サスティナビリティと平和研究所 二村まどか様)

 On 28th June, Ms. Madoka Futamura gave us a lecture. She works at the United Nations University as an academic program officer. She is specialized in the International Relations, Peace-building and Transitional Justice. She talked about international criminal tribunals and courts, which copes with the core crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crimes of aggression. The definition of the accused is a person who has the most responsibility for the core crimes. She also introduced the difference between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ is one of the organizations of the United Nations. It has a responsibility to solve conflicts not between individuals but between countries. (Saki Sakamoto)


【ゼミ活動】 2011年6月28日 平和構築班プレゼンテーション

 On June 28th, the Peace Building group made a presentation on the definition of “intervention”, the concept of “Responsibility to protect” and its limitation. Libya was taken up as a case study of intervention by the United Nations. After the presentation, we discussed the theme of whether the series of the UN activities for the recent situations in Libya were appropriate or not, from each group’s point of view; namely the group of Human Right, Development Economics, and Environment. (Yuna Kodatsu)


【Global Governance】 6/22 Global economic integration

 In a Lecture given on June 22, Professor. Hasegawa explained various“Theoretical Approaches on Global Governance of a Globalizing Economy”. He had five points in the lecture. First he explained classical liberal economic theory. Second he highlighted key aspects of the post WW 1 economic theory. These are neo-liberal economic theory and its triumph following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Third he noted the significance of the Washington consensus which has ten contents. Forth he explained neo-Marxist view of the root causes of the current economic and financial problems. Finally he pointed out the prospect for better global economic governance with contrasting roles that can be played by G20 and United Nation. (Sayuri Maruyama)


【シンポジウム】2011. 6. 21st The third dialogue with ambassadors was held in the Sky-hall

 The third dialogue with an ambassador was held in the Sky-hall on June 21st, 2011 with H. E. Mr. Mikhail Mikhailovich Bely Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Japan. Professor Nobuo Shimotomai, a head of the Graduate School of Global and Asian Politics introduce Ambassador Mikhail. Following the opening speech by Vice president Fukuda, Ambassador Mikhail Mikhailovich Bely delivered a speech on East Asian countries, particularly Japan and China. In addition, he mentioned the Korean issues and the Fukushima nuclear incident. Afterwards, Professor Kwon Ho-Young, Masaharu Hishida and Kravtsevich Andrei commented on the Ambassador’s speech, and Hosei University sutents asked questions to the Ambassador. (Lena Kondo)


【国際機構論】2011年6月21日 国連成果文書に関する分析(長谷川教授)

 On 21 June 2011 Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture on the outcome document. The General Assembly adopted 2005 World Summit Outcome on 16th September 2005. Earlier in 2005, Secretary General Kofi Annan presented a progress report “In Larger Freedom” to the UN General Assembly on 21 March 2005. This report is divided into four main sections: “Freedom from Want”, “Freedom from Fear”, “Freedom to Live in Dignity” and “Strengthening the United Nations”. Anan proposed including this report in The General Assembly adopted 2005 World Summit Outcome in the United Nations General Assembly. As a conclusion of today’s lecture, Professor Hasegawa explained the meaning of main items mentioned in the Outcome Document. They included value and principle, development, peace and collective security, human rights and rule of law and strengthening the United Nations. (Keiki Takemasa)


【NEWS】Welcome Party for New Timorese Ambassador Coelho da Silva

On 14 June 2011, the Hasegawa seminar held a welcome party for H.E. Mr. Isilio Antonio de Fatima Coelho da Silva Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Mr. Tadeu Marcelino Soares Third Secretary at The South Lounge 26th Floor of The Boissonade Tower Hosei University Ichigaya Campus. (Aimi Ezawa)


【Global Governance】 6/15 Global energy development &management (Professor Kazushige Taniguchi)

 On June 15, Mr. Kazushige Taniguchi, the Special Representative of the World Bank in Japan gave a lecture.
 At first, he explained that developing countries including India and China are now contributing to more than half of the global economic growth. This is the new international order different from the times which developed countries such as the G7 led the world economy. While the economic development of developing countries is remarkable, it is also true that there are more than 1 billion people who have no access to electricity. In addition, he stated that millions of children die every year before age 5. One of the major causes is diarrhea that results in dehydration. Therefore, safe water is effective to reduce the child mortality. This means water and electricity can help. And he explained even if it seems to be a problem of one sector (health), there are many cases which need policy interventions of other sectors (infrastructure, energy). He told charitable works are noble but they alone are not able to reach the sustainable solution. About Japan, he cautioned that Japanese population would be decreasing to 48 million by the end of the 21st century.
 On the economic side, since the collapse of the bubble, there has been a continued increase in the budget while decrease of tax revenues, resulting in the rapid expansion of burden on the future generations. Such a combination would generate a special challenge for the future of Japan. (Mai Kato)


【ゼミ活動】2011年6月14日 正義班プレゼンテーション

On June 14th, the justice group members made severral presentations on the legitimacy of actions taken by nation states in global politics. They explained the right of self-defense,the relationship between the nation law and the international law. After their presentations, the seminar students were devided into four groups: utilitarian, libertalian, communitarian,and structurist groups. And we discussed the implications of the murdering of Osama Bin Laden. (Eri Iijima)


【国際機構論】2011年6月14日 国際公務員制度とは?(長谷川教授)

 On the 14th of June 2011, Professor Hasegawa lectured on the international civil servant system, presenting the rights and responsibilities of an international civil servant, and the UN common system. Prof. Hasegawa specifically focused on the responsibilities of the United Nations Secretary-General, which are founded upon the UN Charter as well as each of the former eight UN Secretary-Generals as Chief Administrative Officer. Prof. Hasegawa also touched on internationality, independence, formation, classification, standing, employment methods and administrative duties of an international civil servant. Among them, Prof. Hasegawa expounded on the meaning of Noblemaire Principle and explained the significance of Article100 [Internationality of the Officer] and Article 101 [Responsibility of the Officer]. Moreover, Prof. Hasegawa explained the functional classification of international organization, servants working in the UN system (both professional and general servants), and the working condition of a UN servant – his or her base floor salary, post adjustment, education grant, and so on. The enrollment method of international organization concluded Prof. Hasegawa’s lecture, in which he emphasized the need to understand and increase competency, particularly the importance of communication skills. (Minshik KIM)


【ゼミ活動】2011年6月7日 人権班プレゼンテーション

On June 7th, human right group’s students made the presentation. The theme was the human right in former Yugoslavia. The first half we looked the history of Yugoslavia, history of ICTY and the result and the problem of ICTY. After that they explained IDP, Nationalism and reform of the judicial system with the cases. Then they picked up Serbian politics for its peace and development. (Nanami Ito)
