[Seminar] 2011年10月18日 人権班による死刑制度についてのプレゼンテーション

 On October 18th, the human rights group members made several presentations on the Capital Punishment. Firstly, they explained the old theory and European thoughts. Secondly, they picked up some treaties and the problems. To think about it, there is the question, “There any norm above laws?” they also explained it. Lastly, they talked about the contemporary thoughts of the capital punishment and the four main points at the issue. After the presentation, we had the discussion time and made 4 parties to make the manifesto about Capital Punishment in Japan. (Nanami Ito)


[IntOrg] 2011年10月18日 ILOのディーセント・ワークを全ての人に(ILO駐日事務所代表 長谷川真一様)

 On 18th October 2011, Mr. Hasegawa Shinichi, Director of ILO Office in Japan, gave us a lecture on “ILO and Asia, Decent Work”, and explained activities of ILO toward natural disasters. In particular, Mr. Hasegawa mentioned ILO coping with Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, also he explained ILO is technical assistance to some countries such as Sri Lanka. And as he lecture, emphasized “Decent Work for All” based on setting international labor standard, monitoring system of the standard, and international technical cooperation program. After exposition of “Decent Work for All”, Mr. Hasegawa commented his personal opinions about “foreign labors”, “immigrants”, and “Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Actions toward the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour”. Moreover, Mr. Hasegawa expounded changes of global labor market with china economic growth. Finally, he mentioned the importance of 4 strategic objectives of Decent Work by ILO and also about Decent Work of Japan in the future. (Minshik KIM)


[Diplomacy] 2011年10月12日 日本の安全保障外交の変遷と展望

 On October 12 2011, Professor Hasegawa first explained in his class on “Foreign Policy” the evolution of security arrangements made by nation states in achieving their national security. These included a traditional security alliance to various collective security arrangements. He explained the significance of a newly emerging conception of human security in the rapidly globalizing world. He then delivered a lecture on the theme of “Japanese defense policy”. Secondly, he explained the current condition and agenda of Japan-U.S. security and defense cooperation arrangements. Finally he told us that the process of foreign policy formulation and implementation of a democratic nation is influenced very much by its domestic factors such as how people perceive its appropriateness. (Eri Iijima)


[Seminar]2011年10月11日 環境班によるゴミ問題に関するプレゼンテーション

 On October 11, the Environmental group made a presentation on definition of the garbage, the situation of East Timor and Serbia, the problems of these places, and how to resolve these situations. After the presentation, we discussed possible ways for resolving the problems. From each groups point of view, to resolve these problems, we reached out the conclusion that we should promote education and infrastructure. (Sayuri Maruyama)


[IntOrg] (11 Oct 2011) Hasegawa: “Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri Explained Timor-Leste Efforts to Achieve MDGs at UN General Assembly 2005”

 On 11 October 2011, in his class on international organizations, Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture on the theme of “Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)”. In explaining how he helped the Government of Timor-Leste in achieving MDGs, he introduced a video showing then Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri addressing the Special General Assembly of the United Nations in 2005. Professor Hasegawa noted that in spite of setbacks encountered during the financial and economic downturn in the world as a whole, moved towards reducing poverty by half. By referring to the latest MDG 2011 Report, he mentioned the Secretary-General declared that the global poverty rate will have been reduced to 15 percent by year 2015 which represented a substantial reduction and far below the target level of 23 percent. Professor Hasegawa also noted that the main obstacle to achieving MDG targets was inequity among income groups as well as those in urban and rural areas.


[NEWS] 防衛省主催 「国際平和協力基礎講習」

 10月3日、防衛省・国際平和協力センター主催の「国際平和協力基礎講習」が初めて開催され、長谷川祐弘 法政大学教授が、元国連事務総長特別代表の視点から、「国連平和維持活動の変遷と自衛隊の役割」に関する講義を約2時間にわたって行った。この講習は、国際平和協力活動が防衛省・自衛隊本来の任務化されたことを受け、陸海空自衛隊の幹部自衛官にとって必要な国際平和協力活動に係る基礎知識を普及するすることを目的としており、防衛省・統合幕僚学校(学校長:陸将 林 一也、副校長:海将補 中西正人)の下部組織である国際平和協力センターとして初めての教育事業である。今回の講習の課程主任は同センターの教育研究室長(1等海佐 林秀樹)であり、受講生は内局・統合幕僚監部4名、陸上自衛隊19名、海上自衛隊12名、航空自衛隊13名の計48名であり、約3割にあたる15名が、国連平和維持活動、国際緊急援助活動、海賊対処活動等の経験者であった。受講生は総員、元国連事務総長特別代表の長谷川教授から直接学ぶ機会を持ち、大変有意義であったとの所見であった。法政大学からは、長谷川ゼミ長の平林聡一朗と副ゼミ長の丸山小百合が同行した。       (丸山小百合)


[NEWS] 増田総長が長谷川ゼミ生と懇談



[Diplomacy]2011年10月5日 “The U.S-Japan Alliance” Mr. Richard Bakewell

Mr. Richard Bakewell lectured on “The U.S-Japan Alliance”. His lecture were consisted of 5 parts. First, he talked about history of partnership between U.S. and Japan. Specially he focused on common strategic objectives. Second, he lectured on “Current U.S. military presence in Japan”. Then he focused on U.S. forces in Japan, the reasons, the history so on. Third he talked us about “Defense policy review initiative and realignment”. Forth, he lectured on “New security challenges”. The new challenges were terrorism including other trans national issues, anti-piracy and cyber. Fifth, he gave us details U.S.-Japan cooperation after the great Japan Earthquake, “Operation Tomodachi”, U.S – military assistance and Fukushima Daiichi Assistance.(Sayuri Maruyama)


[NEWS] 日米共催「平和維持活動幹部職員養成コース」GPOI Senior Mission Leadership Training Course

 As part of the Global Peace Operations Initiatives (GPOI), Japan and the United States co-organized its second Senior Mission Leadership (SML) training program for two weeks from September 5 to 16 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo. The training course was conducted by Gen. Patrick Commart of the Netherlands and Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa as senior mentors along with General Agwai of Nigeria and Former Minister Elisabeth Rehn of Finnland. Among participants were Mr. Uramoto, Deputy Director General of UNIDO, Ms Futamura, WFP Representative in India, Mr. Kondo, UNDP Country Director in Chad, Ms. Ikegame, Chief for Africa Coordination Office at UN Headquarters, Ms Yanagisawa, Director of JICA and Mr. Nawatame of the Minstry of Defense of Japan.


[Seminar] 2011年10月4日 公開ゼミが行われました。

 本日2011年10月4日、長谷川ゼミは新入生リクルート活動の一環として1年生を対象とした公開ゼミを行いました。4時間目は夏季休暇中に実施した海外研修旅行の報告会を行い、旧ユーゴスラビア圏に行ったグループ及び東ティモールに行ったグループそれぞれから発表がありました。旧ユーゴスラビア班はマケドニア・コソボ・ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ・セルビア各国における民族問題の相違・共通点について述べ、中でもマケドニアではペトロバツ群での現地小学生との清掃活動やUNDP・UNICEF等国際機関でのブリーフィングがあり言語・教育問題を中心とした民族融和への取り組みについて紹介されました。東ティモール班からは東ティモールの抱える公用語問題とインフラ、貧困問題、そして産業についてのプレゼンテーションがありました。主食すら輸入に頼る東ティモールがどのように米の自給自足を達成するか、またこれから工業化をすすめるにあたってのインフラ問題について紹介されました。5時間目は旧ユーゴスラビア班・東ティモール班・国内滞在組の3グループに別れて、各グループ内で「貴方がパン・キムン国連事務総長だったらどのような政策を立案するか?」をテーマにディスカッションを行い、バルカン諸民族問題と東ティモール言語問題に対してどのようなアプローチをしていけばいいかを議論しました。グループには一年生も混ざり、2年・3年生に混ざって活発なディスカッションが行われました。 (加藤 美翔)


[IntOrg] 2011年10月4日 UNICEFの目指すものとは(UNICEF東京事務所代表 平林国彦様)

 On the 4th October 2011, Mr. Hirabayashi Kunihiko, Director of UNICEF at the Tokyo office, gave a lecture on equity and child survival. Firstly, he explained UNICEF’s role and current priorities, then showed several evidences related to the current trend of reduction of child mortality and equity issues. Finally, he defined the difference between equity and equality and lectured how UNICEF practices the equity-focused approach. (Terauchi Akiho)


[Study-Tour] Timor-Leste Briefing at KOICA about education.

August 30 is the national referendum anniversary day, so people celebrated it, and Dili got excited. There were small festivals here and there in Dili.
After the lunch, we had KOICA’s briefing. They welcomed us very much and explained their education support activities in Timor-leste.
Finally we had question and discussion time, and Mrs. Jung said it is important to try to see a bigger picture when we travel Timor-leste. It was a worthwhile time. (Mai Nakasendo)


[Study-Tour] Timor-Leste We went to JICA’s office and two NGOs.

On Ausgust 29, We left the hotel at 9:30. First, we went to CAVR. A staff showed us three exhibition rooms about the history of Timor-leste, and the human rights. And a staff recommended us to enter “the dark shell”. In the dark shell, we could experience the atmosphere of the actual prison. After the quick tour, instead of the director, the chief librarian Mr. Aventino gave us the breifing. He explained why CAVR established, and what CAVR’s activities are, he also gave us CAVR’s final report as a gift. We had some chinese food for lunch, and we headed to JICA. Mr.Okumura gave us a lecture about their main project in Timor-Leste. Finally, we went to REDE FETO. She explained traditional role of women in Timor-Leste and recent situation of women which is . She said to make Timor-Leste better country, women’s role is important as well as men’s, and women and men should implement eachother. (Dona Jung)


[Diplomacy] 2011年9月28日(水) 「外交」に関する概念と理論(長谷川教授)

 On the 28th of Sep. 2011, Professor Hasegawa started his course on Comprehensive Diplomacy. In his first lecture, he explained the meaning of “diplomacy” in terms of its roles. First, Prof. Hasegawa focused on the roles of diplomacy in achieving national interest. He explained the changing roles and the significance of diplomacy in the Westphalian world of independent states and the post-Westphalian international system. In addition, Prof. Hasegawa touched on the relationship among international society, civil society, and individuals. He also analyzed the meaning of national sovereignty and equality. Second, Prof. Hasegawa explained the need for a paradigm shift and the four elements of diplomacy including security being part of “the diplomacy of globalization in the world” as well as a variety of globalization issues as disparity and major diplomacy issues. Moreover, Prof. Hasegawa referred to the international political economy trends and the theories of international politics system. In this regard, he mentioned the understandings of the world as advanced by Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbs, Harold Nicholson, Ernest Satow, Hans Morgenthau, Henry Kissinger and Kenneth Waltz. (Minshik KIM)


[IntOrg] 2011年9月27日 国連統合に向けての各機関の取り組み(長谷川祐弘教授)

 On September 27, 2011, in his class on international organizations, Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture on the theme of “Towards Greater Integration of International Development Assistance Programs”. Firstly, Professor Hasegawa introduced the initiatives taken by the former Secretary-General Kofi Annan in establishing the UN Development Group in 1997. And he lectured about the Common Country Assessment (CCA), UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and Integrated Strategic Framework (ISF). Professor Hasegawa then explained how to write the project documents and stressed the need for monitoring how project funds are used after their approval. (Eri Iijima)


[Seminar] 2011年9月20日(火) 長谷川ゼミナール後期授業が始まりました!!

 On September 20th, some students showed the schedule in the second semester and the change of the class form. Following it, two groups made a presentation on the content and the result of the study tour in Timor-Leste and former-Yugoslavia. After the presentation, we discussed the talent we look for in next Hasegawa Seminar. Finally, some students explained about the concept of their seminar paper and Professor Hasegawa gave some advice. (Yuna Kodatsu)


[IntOrg] 2011年9月20日 開発・人道分野での国際機関の役割と活動(長谷川祐弘教授)

 On September 20, the second semester started with Prof. Hasegawa’s lecture on international organizations.
First, he explained the relationship among different UN funds, programs and agencies in terms of their roles and activities. He then provided background information on how the United Nations systems try to improve the efficiency and effectiveness through improving a coordination and integration. Finally, he mentioned ‘delivering as one’ as a major effort to bring together all UN agencies in the field. (Aimi Ezawa)


[Study-Tour] Study Tour to Former Yugoslavia Second Week Report(8/27~9/5)

Second Week Report of Former Yugoslavia Study Tour

August 29th, we visited UNHCR Office in Zagreb. Firstly, Japanese staff explained us their target people and their activities against them. After that two other staffs gave us briefing on the history of the UNHCR Serbia Office and the activities; Joint Program, Facility Assistance, Reunification Program and the difficulties. Their main job is legally assistance for refugee. After Q&A session, they showed us the promotion video that one of their recently assistance projects.

