[Seminar] 2011年12月13日 平和構築班によるプレゼン、小山田英治教授による「Global Justice, aid and good governance」の講義
On December 13th, the Peace Building Group made a presentation to answer “What is the peace for the future?” After the presentation, Mr. Eiji Koyama, a professor of Doshisha University, delivered a lecture on “Global justice, aid and good governance.” First the Peace building group talked about UN Peace Keeping Operations (UNPKO), compared to the ideas of realism and liberalism. The theme was peace by balance of power. After this, the group analyzed peace keeping based on UNPKO. They did this by explaining UNPKO step by step, and talking about issues and activities during the operations. After the presentation, Professor Eiji Koyama gave a lecture about “Global justice, aid and good governance.” Professor Koyama mentioned problems like “reduction poverty” and a variety of developing countries’ problems due to government corruption. Next, he explained what good and bad governance is with some examples based on his experience. Finally, he emphasized rules of good governance in this lecture. (Minshik KIM)