[OBOG] Hasegawa Seminar Students Graduate (24th March 2012)

 On 24th March 2012, seven students of the Hasegawa seminar class graduated from the Hosei University. They are: Kanako Sakai, Kotaro Matsuda, Ryosuke Ohyama, Ryota Kimura, Yuho Nakagawa, Yuki Yamazaki and Yuta Nakamoto. Here is a photo of the graduating class after the ceremony. Professor Hasegawa sent his best wishes from Cameroon, Africa, where he was conducting a peacekeeping training course for about 30 police officers from several francophone countries. (Yuta Nakamoto)


[NEWS] 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste and Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Timor-Leste and Japan (9th March 2012)

 On 9th March 2012, Timorese Ambassador Coelho hosted a reception at the Hotel New Otani in Tokyo to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the restoration of independence of Timor-Leste and the 10th anniversary of the official establishment of the diplomatic relations between Timor-Leste and Japan. Foreign Minister Zacarias Albano da Costa spoke about the stable situation in his country and the friendly relationship between Timor-Leste and Japan. He expressed his appreciation of support extended by Japan. Mr. Joe Nakano, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, thanked all Timorese people for giving aid to Japan when the earthquake occurred to Japan a year ago. The amount was large in relation to the size of Timorese population. Mr. Satsuki Eda and Mr. Tsurunen Marutei, members of House of Councilor and former and current President of the Timor-Leste Japan Parliamentary Friendship League also spoke warmly Timor-Leste. The reception was attended by more than 300 people including sixteen students of the Hasegawa seminar who had visited Timor-Leste participated in the celebration. Two of were dressed in Kimonos. (Aimi Ezawa)


[NEWS] Farewell and Welcome Dinner for Graduate (6th March 2012)

 Ms. Nadia Wang from Taiwan graduated successfully with a Master’s degree in political science. She wrote her master’s degree thesis entitled, “Climate Change, Global Justice and Democracy: the Post-Kyoto Dilemma”. Mr. Umid Makhmudov from Uzbekistan was admitted to the Hosei Graduate School from April 2012. On Tuesday, March 6th, Professor Hasegawa hosted a dinner for Nadia and Umid. Other graduate school participants were Ms. Gunji, Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Toriumi, Ms. Ikeda (graduated in2010) and Ms. Asano (2011) also joined in the dinner party. Mr. Nakamura and Ms. Gunji will study in the United Kingdom from September 2012 for one year. Professor Hasegawa wished all of them well in their studies and good health. (Masumi Asano)


[NEWS] Five of the Hasegawa Seminar students attended the Symposium on the Career Development in the Field of Peacebuilding (27th February 2012)

 On 27th February 2012, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center held the 5th anniversary of the “Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding” at the JICA Global Plaza, Tokyo. Five of the Hasegawa Seminar Class, Yusuke Noda, Lena Kondo, Shogo Yoshida, Keiki Takemasa and Akiho Terauchi, took part in this symposium. In the first session, Professor Hasegawa introduced Ms. Judy Cheng-Hopkins, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Office in the United Nations Secretariat, who delivered a keynote address on United Nations and Peacebuilding. Five panelists, Ms. Michiru Tamanai, Ms. Kaoruko Seki, Mr. Toshihiro Nakamura, Ms. Hiroko Miyamura and Mr. Patrice Chiwota, made insightful comments on the career development in the field of UN Peacebuilding and the outcome of the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center (HPC) Program. In the second session, three HPC training program graduates told their experiences in various parts of the world working as staff of UN agencies, funds and programmes. Finally, in the panel discussion, Professor Hasegawa proposed the way to continue and to improve the Hiroshima Peacebuilding Training Program which he found was making a significant contribution. He also emphasized the peacebuilders should firmly put their hopes to the leaders and people of the post-conflict countries that they could rebuild their countries by themselves in a self-reliant manner. (Akiho Terauchi)


[Seminar] Study Group on UN Peace Operations (18th February 2012)

 On February 18, 2012, a study group on UN peace operations held its session and heard three speakers: Mr. Hideki Hayashi, Ms. Nadia Wang and Mr. Hiroshi Matsumoto. First, Mr. Hideki Hayashi, captain of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, explained the growing importance of “Protection of Civilians (POC)” in PKO. Through his presentation, I think Japan should participate in POC and do overseas deployment of troops more. However, I understand there are some domestic problems such as constitutional interpretation. Second, Ms. Nadia Wang presented “Climate Change, Global Justice, and Democracy”. She said there were different opinions about the notion of responsibility for global warming or greenhouse gases between developing country and developed one. Professor Hasegawa explained the key phrase which was “common but differentiated responsibility”. Each country has each claim but I felt we should have consciousness for global citizens. Finally, Mr. Hiroshi Matsumoto, worked at Japan Action for Relief Center and Japan Center for Conflict Prevention spoke about Japan’s role in addressing humanitarian and other global issues. He said Japan should become a country which is respected by other countries in the future. To achieve that, Japan should extend helping to the world although Japan is also suffering from the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster of 3.11. (Yasuki Uchiyama and Yui Narikawa)


[NEWS] 防衛省主催「第2回 国際平和協力基礎講習」 -国連平和活動の動向と課題- (2012年1月30日)

 On January 30, 2012, Professor Hasegawa delivered a three-hour lecture on the theme of “The Challenges of UN Peace Operations” during the second session of the Basic Training Course on International peace Cooperation held at the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo. At this lecture, 44 members of the Japan Self-defense Forces attended the lecture. One third of the participants had been engaged in peacekeeping operations. Professor Hasegawa explained about the transformation of UN PKO operations over the last sixty years and the challenges posed on the United Nations peacekeepers in terms of carrying out their mandates and in protecting civilians. He referred to cases of severe human rights violations and genocides that occurred in Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia. During the second part of his lecture, he explained the system of UN Security Council and the process of establishing peace missions and the efforts made to achieve integration of civilian, police and military components as well as coordination between humanitarian and security activities. At the end of the lecture, Professor Hasegawa emphasized the need for peacekeepers to understand fully the mentality and mindsets of national leaders and local people. And also, as former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Professor Hasegawa mentioned that contributions Japan and Japan Self-Defense Forces had been making in assisting post-conflict countries to carry out the rehabilitation of their communities and infrastructure facilities. Following his lecture, Professor Hasegawa responded to several questions asked by the participants. (Eri Iijima)


[NEWS] 訪日中のジョゼ・ラモス=ホルタ大統領、長谷川教授とゼミ生と懇談 (2012年1月20日)

 On 20th January 2012, Professor Hasegawa and six Hosei students met President José Ramos-Horta of Timor-Leste at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. Professor Hasegawa and President Ramos-Horta had a private dinner and talked about the current political and economic situation in Timor-Leste. Afterwards, the students met the President, and Miss Maruyama presented a bouquet of flowers to the President who kindly accepted taking memorial photos with the students. The students also had an opportunity to talk to the Timorese ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Isilio Antonio de Fatima Coelho da Silva. (Yusuke Noda)


[NEWS] 内閣府主催 第三回国際平和協力シンポジウム(2012年1月19日)

 On January 19th 2012, the Third International Peace Cooperation Symposium was held in the Elizabeth Rose Hall of the United Nation University. Following Mr. Koji Haneda’s opening address, Mr. Yasushi Akashi delivered a keynote lecture “The reminiscence about Japan’s 20 years of participation in United Nation peacekeeping operations”. Professor Hasegawa made a presentation on “The role and qualifications of the senior staff of UN peacekeeping missions”. (Yusuke Noda)


[Diplomacy] 2012年1月18日 The all-inclusive lecture by Professor Hasegawa

On 18th January 2012, Professor Hasegawa delivered the all-inclusive lecture.
First of all, he reviewed diplomatic theory, and gave “national security” and “national interest” as two principal conditions for the continued survival and prosperity of nations. He informed in detail the roles of diplomacy and historical development in turn. Then he explained from ancient and the Middle Ages’ ideas which Sun Tzu and Francois de Callieres had, to the Westphalia structure. Using as an example the withdrawal of U.S. armed forces from Okinawa, he compared the claims of realist and those who advocate the interest of resident citizens in Okinawa. Moreover, he referred to the continued relevance of realism and liberalism in understanding the diplomacy of 21st century. Then looking back the lectures of guest speakers who came to this class, he explained Constructivism and Functionalism at last.(Mai Kato)


[Diplomacy] 2012年1月11日 東アジアとヨーロッパにおける共同体の創設と意義

On January 11, Professor Hasegawa delivered a lecture about regional diplomacy. First of all, he explained the birth and development of ASEAN, particularly AFTA, CEPT and EPA, and mentioned the extent of economic integration of ASEAN. He then pointed out the reasons why the process of regional integration has not proceeded as rapidly as in Europe. He explained that ASEAN moved forward with forming ASEAN plus One, ASEAN plus Three and East Asian Community, encompassing not only the economic but also the political, social and security cooperation of its member states as well as other countries of the region. The regional framework was expanded to include the United States and Russia in the forum of East Asian Summit. Finally, he made a comparison of Asian and European experiences and explained the reasons for the extent of integrations that has taken place in East Asia and Europe. (Yuka Hirakawa)


[Seminar] Head and Two Vice-Heads of Hasegawa Seminar Class Elected for the First Half of New Year, 2012 (10th Jan 2012)

 On 10th January 2012, in the last seminar class of the year 2011, there was an election of head and vice-heads of the Prof. Hasegawa seminar class for their term of first six months of 2012. As a result of the voting, Sayuri Maruyama was elected as the Head, and Shogo Yoshida and Mai Nakasendo as the Vice-Heads. The new executive team expressed their appreciation of honor accorded to them. They also pledged to provide good environment for each member of the seminar to be able to contribute to the seminar and to work hard together. (Shogo Yoshida)


[IntOrg]2012年1月10日 国際機構論 期末試験

 On 10th January 2012, the final-term examination was held in the class of the international organization. The examination was made up of the true-false questions and the essay questions. In this test, we recognized again our understanding and knowledge from the lecture by Professor Hasegawa and the guest-speakers. Moreover, we wrote down our opinions how the United Nations should reform in order to work more effectively. (Saki Sakamoto)


[Seminar] Critical Issues of Security Sector Reform in South Sudan (January 10th 2012)

 On 10th January 2012, in the final seminar class of the year 2011, Dr. Mark Dowens, an officer in the Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and Mr. Dylan Hendrickson, King’s College London, delivered us a lecture on the critical issues of Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict countries. In their lecture, they explained SSR systems with the case in South Sudan. Also some graduate students in the HOSEI University and some undergraduate students in the department of Global Interdisciplinary Studies took part in this class. (Soichiro Hirabayashi)



 新年あけましておめでとうございます。年頭にあたり一言ご挨拶申し上げます。今年が長谷川ゼミにとっても集大成の年となります。これまで以上に気持ちを引き締めてゼミ生全体で切磋琢磨し取組んで行きましょう。1月10日に皆さんにお会いできること心よりお待ちしております! 今年もよろしくお願いします。 2012年元日 長谷川祐弘研究室ゼミ長 平林聡一朗


[Diplomacy]2011年12月21日 政治経済外交-貿易と経済統合の視点から- (長谷川祐弘教授)

 On 20th November 2011, Professor Hasegawa lectured on the diplomacy centered political economy, in terms of particularly the meaning of trade and economic integration. Firstly, he explained the theories of international political economy, and indicated the rise of neo-liberal theory culminating in the Washington Consensus that influenced the policies of advanced as well as developing countries. Then, He mentioned the implications of FTA and EPA as well as the transition from GATT to WTO. He also noticed the status and the coming challenges of the international economy on regional economic integration. (Keiki Takemasa)


[Seminar]2011年12月20日 長谷川ゼミ忘年会 -2012年に向けて、更なる親交を深める-

 After the seminar on 20th December 2011, Professor Hasegawa and members of the Prof. Hasegawa Seminar gave a year-end party in the Uotami in Iidabashi, Tokyo. In this party, we cheerfully looked back on the affairs this year in our seminar and promoted more deeply mutual friendship among us over a drink. We’re eager to work much harder in a body, so please treat us next year as well as you did this year. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] 2011年12月20日 人権班によるプレゼン、防衛省の林秀樹一等海佐様によるご講義

 2011年12月20日(火)のゼミ活動では、4限に次期ゼミ長候補者の選出と人権班によるプレゼンテーション「開発と人権-日本のODA-」が行われました。人権班はスマトラ島・コタパンジャンダムとフィリピン・バダンガス島を事例として挙げ、日本政府による開発援助(ODA)が引き起こした人権問題や、人権基盤アプローチについて述べ、解決策を提案しました。5限は防衛省 林秀樹一等海佐をお招きし、「自衛隊が実施した国際平和協力の20年」をテーマにご講義頂きました。初めに林一等海佐は、日本の国際平和協力の最初の事例である、1991年に海上自衛隊によって行われたペルシャ湾機雷掃海派遣をご説明され、その後、自衛隊における国際平和協力活動の主要な3つの分野、「国際緊急援助」「国際平和協力業務」「海賊対処」について事例ごとに活動の変移やエピソードなどをまじえご紹介下さいました。最後に、林一等海佐は日本独自の支援スタイルである「現地目線の支援」は、情緒的一体感を求める日本人の人となりから来るものであり、今後、日本が支援を継続する上で失ってはならないものであると述べられました。(中仙道舞)


[IntOrg]2011年12月20日 総括講義 -“Delivering As One”に向けて- (長谷川祐弘教授)

 On December 20, Professor Hasegawa recapitulated some of the salient points that emerged during various lectures delivered this year. First of all, he asked a basic question: “What are the reasons that nation states create international organizations that would restrict their independence and sovereignty?” He then reviewed the historical context in which international organizations have been created and also the changing relationships between international organizations and sovereign states. He also mentioned the changes that took place in the roles, policies and structures of international organizations since the World War I and II. Next, he explained how the United Nations and other international organizationshave been brought into the concept of “Delivering As One” to increase its effectiveness through adoptionof such programming tools as CCA, UNDAF, PRSP and ISF. In his concluding remarks,Professor Hasegawa identified some of the issues that will be the key tasks ofconcern for international organizations. (Yuka Hirakawa)


[OBOG] Year-end Party of Graduate Students (18th Dec 2011)

 On 18th December 2011, 25 graduate students of the Hasegawa seminar class held a dinner party at an Italian restaurant in Ebisu, Tokyo. This party organized by Ms. Yuki Yamazaki was attended also by 16 current members of the Hasegawa seminar class. In this entertainment, also the video letters from Ms. Suefuji and Mr. Tsuchiya were introduced. Moreover, graduate members gave a muffler to Professor Hasegawa as his birthday present. Through this event, we promoted much more mutual friendship among the current and graduate members of the Hasegawa seminar class. (Shogo Yoshida)


[NEWS] UN Associations Meeting Discusses Regional Governance

 On 16th and 17th December 2011, Scholars of Japan, China and South Korea met at Osaka University and discussed globalization and regional governance in East Asia. The consultation meeting was attended by about 25 scholars from the UN academic associations of Japan, China and Korea. Professor Alistair Edgar, Executive Director of the Academic Council of the UN System (ACUNS) also participated in the event. Among the other scholars, Professor Hasegawa presented his paper on the challenges and opportunities for constructing a post-Westphalia world in East Asia and regional governance at the crossroads with national and global governance.
