On 27th February 2012, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center held the 5th anniversary of the “Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding” at the JICA Global Plaza, Tokyo. Five of the Hasegawa Seminar Class, Yusuke Noda, Lena Kondo, Shogo Yoshida, Keiki Takemasa and Akiho Terauchi, took part in this symposium. In the first session, Professor Hasegawa introduced Ms. Judy Cheng-Hopkins, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Office in the United Nations Secretariat, who delivered a keynote address on United Nations and Peacebuilding. Five panelists, Ms. Michiru Tamanai, Ms. Kaoruko Seki, Mr. Toshihiro Nakamura, Ms. Hiroko Miyamura and Mr. Patrice Chiwota, made insightful comments on the career development in the field of UN Peacebuilding and the outcome of the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center (HPC) Program. In the second session, three HPC training program graduates told their experiences in various parts of the world working as staff of UN agencies, funds and programmes. Finally, in the panel discussion, Professor Hasegawa proposed the way to continue and to improve the Hiroshima Peacebuilding Training Program which he found was making a significant contribution. He also emphasized the peacebuilders should firmly put their hopes to the leaders and people of the post-conflict countries that they could rebuild their countries by themselves in a self-reliant manner. (Akiho Terauchi)