[Seminar] The First Class of Hasegawa’s Seminar was held and carefully read “International Conflict” Chapter 2 (10th April 2012)
Today, the first seminar of this year was held in 4th and 5th period. During 4th period, we had to explain the programs for this year and how to write in process. We believe that the end of the study tour will be during the summer vacation. After that, the research skill improvement program was held. From the program, we learned how to give presentation,discussion and ask good questions.
During 5th period, peace-building groups gave presentations about chapter 2 of “International Dispute”written by Joseph S. Nye Jr.
The presenter explained the cause of conflict in 3 phases; individual,national and international community with the case of war in Iraq. Also, we studied the paradigm of political philosophy through the history of Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna. (Mai Kato)