[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by UNDP (3rd September 2012)

 On 3rd September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited UNDP Dhaka office in Bangladesh and had an informative presentation on governance by Ms. Rae Ann Peart, Programme Analyst, and Mr. Siamul Huq Rabbany, Programme Officer. At the beginning of the presentation, they explained current affairs and challenges in Bangladesh. Although Bangladesh has made significant progress on human development indications and towards the achievement of MDG targets, profound issues still remain in the democratic governance field like the construction of democracy. Then, they informed three governance programmes and their achievements: political governance, public administration and justice and human rights. (Yui Narikawa)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by World Bank (3rd Sep 2012)

On 3rd September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited World Bank Dhaka office in Bangladesh and Mr. Yoichiro Ikeda, Operations Officer Country Management Unit, gave us a presentation about the results, challenges and activities of World Bank in Bangladesh. First, he asked us whether Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world or not and talked about Bangladesh after independence from Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Second, he mentioned the challenges such as fundamental infrastructure, environmental pollution, increase in population in urban areas and so on. Especially, he emphasized the lack of governmental capacity. Finally, he referred to activities of World Bank which are aimed at sustainable growth. (Yuna Kitamura)


[India/Bangladesh] World Bank New Delhi Office (31th Aug 2012)

On 31th August 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited World Bank New Delhi Office in India. The presentation was delivered by three specialist, they gave us a lecture about World Bank’ activities in India. Firstly, Ms. Preeti Kudesia talked about overview of the World Bank’s strategy in India and She emphasized that World Bank especially focuses on poverty reduction. Secondly, Ms. Deepa Sankar mentioned at education program. In addition, she showed us a short film to convey the diversity of education in India. Finally, Ms. Ashi Kathuria lectured about nutrition issue in India and South Asia, and then she gave us details of the key role of gender. (Yuki Shozui)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by ILO office in India (31 Aug 2012)

On 31st August 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited International Labour Organization (ILO) office in India. First, Mr. Anandan P. Menon who is programme officer briefly explained activities conducted by ILO in India. Especially, he mentioned that child labour was the most serious problem in India. Next, Mr. Sher Verick who is senior employment specialist lectured the challenge of creating more decent work in a fast growing economy in India. Mainly, he gave a full detail of problems of poverty and stagnant of employment with help of some visual graphs. Last, Ms. Neetu Lamba who is programme officer focused on child labour and education. She said there were five important points of child labour. Among them, she emphasized on ILO conventions and importance of education for children in India. (Minshik KIM)


[Myanmar] OISCA Yangon Office (24th Aug 2012)

On 24th August 2012, four Hasegawa seminar students visited OISCA in Yangon City, Myanmar. OISCA has started its activity in Yesagyo District to start up agricultural development project in a central-dry zone in response to call from UNDP. Japanese technical experts have been sent since March 1996 after the conclusion of contact with Ministry of the national plan economic development. Ms. Yuko Saito explained about OISCA’s four activities: training human resource, environment conservation, supporting development of agriculture and developing community at agricultural training center with showing the students pictures of the activities. (Sayaka Yatabe)


[India/Bangladesh] UNDP’s Multiple Approaches for Human Development in India (Ms. Mona Mishra) (29th Aug 2012)

 On 29th August 2012, the India and Bangladesh study-tour group visited the UNDP in New Delhi. The 6 officials in the UNDP India: Ms. Mona Mishra, the Executive Officer; Ms. Meenaz Munshi, the Research Associate; Ms. Ritu Mathur, the Programme Analyst; Ms. Preeti Soni, the Advisor; Mr. G Padmanabhan, the Emergency Analyst; and Ms. Nandita Surendran, the Communications Analyst in the UNDP India, welcomed the group and delivered insightful lectures on the comprehensive information of the UNDP India with some movies. They talked about the Human Development and the 5 focus areas which the UNDP India tackles: “poverty reduction”, “democratic governance”, “energy and environment”, “disaster risk reduction” and “HIV and development”. Then, Ms. Nandita Surendran introduced the 4 outcome areas in the India Country Programme Document (CPD) towards the future, from 2013 to 2017. In these areas, she insisted on the importance of inclusive growth in terms of redressing the gaps and the balance in India.
(Shogo Yoshida)

All seminar students really appreciate to UNDP India for introducing this briefing and the seminar students in their facebook page.


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by JICA (29th August 2012)

On 29th August, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited JICA in India, and had an informative lecture by Mr. Ejima, who is the head of the Indian office. At the beginning of the lecture, he informed that Japan has invested the most money for India to support development. Then, he introduced JICA’s programmes in India minutely. JICA has some field projects on such as infrastructure, environment and education. Finally he noted that Japan has invested much money and supported the area which India needs only because Japan believes the government of India has ability to manage it effectively. After his presentation, he responded some questions by the students.(Yui Narikawa)


[Balkan] Briefing by Japan Embassy Serbia (28th August 2012)

 On 28th August, Mr. Kazuaki Kameda, Deputy Head of Mission Minister Counselor of Japanese Embassy in Serbia and Mr.Wataru Yokohama, the Researcher gave the Balkan group members an instructive lecture. At first, Mr. Kameda shared with us a distribution map of the ethnic groups in the period of the former Yugoslavia. He explained the history from the immigration of Slavs in 7th century to the collapsing of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Also Mr. Kameda mentioned currently political issues and some problems in Serbia. He suggested us that Serbia has to achieve a stable and peaceful life in their mind in general. But there are some issues such as the ethnicity which needs to be considered. (Mai Uchida)


[India/Bangladesh] UNICEF New Delhi Office Representative Ms. Shikha Wadhwa (28th August 2012)

 On 28th August 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited UNICEF New Delhi Office in India, and Ms. Shikha Wadhwa, the administration specialist, gave us a presentation about UNICEF’s activities in India. She started the lecture by explaining three key “life periods” of the child which are under three years, school-age and adolescents. Then she gave us details of six programmes that are Health, Nutrition, Education, Child Environment, Child Protection and HIV/AIDS and their actions. She also talked about UNICEF’s cooperation with three levels of actors which are national level, state level and district level. She emphasized that all partners such as government, international organizations and NGOs should work together for children. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


[Balkan] Meeting with Belgrade university students (27th August 2012)

 On 27th August, the Balkan study tour group visited University of Belgrade which is the only state university in Serbia. Mr. Hisashi Yamazaki, officer at JICA Balkan office and some graduates from the university showed us around the campus. After that, the Balkan members and the students at Department of Japanese language and literature, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade University had a friendly cultural exchange meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr.Wataru Takahashi, a teacher at the university had an IceBreak with us. We enjoyed some conversations about our culture, the difference of university life between Serbia and Japan and so on. After the meeting, we built our friendship over the informal lunch. (Akiho Terauchi)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by UNFPA India office (27th August 2012)

On 28th August, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited UNFPA New Delhi office in India, and met with Mr. Venkatesh Srinivasan, the assistant of representative, Dr. Dinesh Agarwal, a programme officer, and Mr.Rajat Ray, the programme officer communications. First, they introduced the outline of their work in India. Second, they explained Social Economic and Health Status in India. They pointed out that India has a second largest population in the world, and economic growth is fast. But it causes some problems such as the gaps; unemployment between rural and urban areas, social and gender. Third, they closed the briefing by introducing their close partnership with Indian government and other members of UN country team. (Minako Ishikawa)


[India/Bangladesh] Meeting with Dr. Atul Khare (27th August 2012)

On 27 August, India and Bangladesh study tourgroup met with Dr. Atul Khare who is a Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and also served as a Special Representatives of the UN Secretary – General for Timor-Leste. He firstly explained the problems which India has such as literacy, industrial structure, education, urban problems and so on. He also insisted that not only the relationship with Japan but also with China and Indonesia is very important for India because the economy of these countries has been developing. In addition, he referred to G4. Finally, we had a question-and-answerperiod and then some of student asked questions to Mr.Khare.
(Yuko Honda)


[India/Bangladesh] Study tour at UNHCR India Office (27th Aug 2012)

On 27th Aug 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited UNHCR New Delhi office in India, and had an unforgettable briefing by Ms. Nayana Bose, who is External Relations Officer. Firstly, she told us the outline of the UNHCR, and emphasized the importance of the “International Protection”. She also told us there are a lot of refugees from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and other countries in India. Next, Ms. Yamini Pande who is Associate Protection Officer described a connection between India government and UNHCR. UNHCR helps refugees get VISA, protects their rights, and so on. Finally, she explained that UNHCR promotes three solutions: “Voluntary Repatriation, Local Integration, and Resettlement”. It was the precious experience for us. (Misa Komine)


[Myanmar] Meeting with members of Democratic Party and Democratic –Peace Party of Myanmar

On 25th August, the Hosei study group met with U Thu Wai, Chairman of the Democratic Party, Dr. Than Nyein and Dr. Win Naing of the National Democratic Force and U Myo Nyunt of the Democratic & Peace Party.
They explained the current political situation in Myanmar and confirmed that a real change was taking place. President Thein Sein wans implementing a number of political reform measures such as freedom of press and foreign investment. They also explained about changes proposed in the electoral law in order to achieved proportional representation. Concerning the economy, they informed the student that the government would like to introduce a free market economic system, including Myanmar and foreign joint investment and business ventures. According to U Myo Nyunt, the government and minority ethnic rebel groups were reaching peace agreements. Ms. Kameyama asked if any of the political parties was bringing up the young generation into their leadership positions. Dr. Than Nyein responded and agreed to the necessity to give more opportunities to young people.(Kotaro Takahashi)


[Myanmar] UNICEF Yangon Office Representative Mr. Ramesh Shrestha(24th Aug 2012)

On 24th Aug 2012, the Myanmar study tour group and Professor Hasegawa visited UNICEF Yangon office, and had an unforgettable briefing by Mr. Ramesh Shrestha, who is the representative of UNICEF Yangon. Mr. Ramesh Shrestha started his lecture by introducing recent transition of measures such as Media law, Labor law, and so on. In particular, he explained how the relationship between government and armed groups had been changed. Then, he talked about the economic situation of Myanmar. Some countries like South Korea and China have started to invest in Myanmar because there are natural resources. However, there are three issues. First, electricity supply is not adequate for business. Second, investment law has some problems. Third, infrastructure hasn’t been prepared. Furthermore, he explained UN position. UNICEF is working for providing basic human needs to people. They are constructing primary schools, providing stationary supplies. In addition, they are providing people with access to safe drinking water. After his lecture, he responded to some questions and comments from the students. (Shohei Suzuki)


United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime Myanmar Country Manager Mr. Jason Eligh Briefs Hosei Students

On 24th Aug 2012, the Myanmar study tour group visited UNODC Myanmar office and received an informative lecture by Mr. Jason Eligh, the UNODC country manager. UNODC was established to deal with 4 area issues; Drugs, Crime, Corruption and Terrorism. Myanmar is the second largest opium poppy grower country next to Afghanistan, accounting for 23 percent of the opium poppy cultivation worldwide in 2011.
 The Myanmar government also recognizes the serious drug problem. UNODC Myanmar office has been assisting the Myanmar government in eradicating opium poppy production. With the aim of it, UNODC started 3 new projects in Shan State from 2011: Alternative development, Sustainable livelihoods and Food security. UNODC also cooperates with local NGOs, civil society organizations and other UN agencies such as World Food Programme. (Mai Nakasendo)


[Balkan] Briefing by EULEX Kosovo (24th August 2012)

 On 24th August, the six students of the Hasegawa seminar visited the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) office in Kosovo, and received an informative briefing from Mr. William Romans, the Human Rights Expert of EULEX Kosovo. Mr. Romans started by providing an outline of the history of Kosovo and the reason why EULEX takes some actions in Kosovo. Then, he explained the details of the EULEX missions in Kosovo. The main mission is to assist and support the rule of law institutions and judicial authorities in law enforcement in Kosovo. Also EULEX also takes actions in developing Kosovo police, fighting corruption and serious crime. After his presentation, he responded to some questions and comments from the students. (Sayuri Maruyama)


[Myanmar]Briefing by Japanese Embassy Staff(23 Aug 2012)

On 23rd August, the Hosei University group met with Messrs. Nishikuramori and Watanabe. Mr. Nishikuramori analyzed in detail the content of political reform carried out by President Thein Sein and how the democratization process was proceeding. He also explained the critical role played by Aung San Suu Kyi as a member of the parliament. Secondly, Mr. Watanabe pointed out a great deal of risk which foreign companies would encounter when they engage in business in Myanmar. Only few Japanese firms had started their productive activities. There are many challenges for any company to undertake business in Myanmar. (Yuna Kodatsu)


[Balkan] Briefing by IOM Kosovo (23th August 2012)

 On 23th August 2012, the Balkan study tour members visited IOM office after having received a briefing from UNHCR office in Kosovo. At the beginning, Mr. Sheremet Kukaj, National Operations Officer and Ms. Alessia Schiavon, Beautiful Kosovo Project Manager gave us an overview of IOM activities in Kosovo. IOM Kosovo through AVRR Programme aims to promote sustainable voluntary return and reintegration of Kosovars, returning from different Western European countries through measures to improve economic prospects for both the returnees and members of the receiving communities, thereby enhancing the capacity of return communities to continue to attract, absorb and retain returning migrants and other displaced people and to prevent further out – migration. Thanks to “Beautiful Kosovo” Project, IOM contributes to poverty reduction through the enhancement of economic opportunities for Kosovo population, especially marginalized groups, in line with National Strategies. At the end, they responded to some questions related to voluntary return, reasons of migration, and support to the minorities in Kosovo. (Daiki Kawabe)


[Balkan] Briefing by UNHCR Kosovo office (23th August 2012)

 On 23th August 2012, the Balkan study tour group visited UNHCR office in Kosovo as the first briefing visit on this study tour. Mr. Vuger, Ms. Toki and Mr.Okawa were working in the profession unit of the UNHCR Kosovo. They delivered an imformative briefing for us. At the beginning of the presentaion, Ms. Hinako Toki introduced the overview of UNHCR activities at Pristina, the capital city of Kosovo. Then Mr.Vuger explained what happened in Kosovo and the details of UNHCR mission. The mission supports four types of people: Refugee, Stateless person, Asylum Seekers and Returnees. To solve these issues UNHCR are conducting many interviews and try to improve the living environment. Also they support minority people in Kosovo. After the conclusion of his lecture, Mr.Yuger responded questions and answers from students. (Kohei Yokota)
