[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 5
”On 16 May 2005 Hedi Annabi, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, presenting the Secretary-General’s end of mandate report on the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) to the Security Council and “expressed his serious concern about the security gap that would be created by the departure of the backup security forces. I also conveyed my concern to the officials of key Security Council members when I visited London, Paris and Washington. They, however, considered that the situation was quite stable, and that Timor-Leste had matured in exercising democratic governance. This perception led the Security Council to remove all armed personnel and to leave behind just 40 unarmed police advisers to train PNTL officers, and 35 additional advisers […] in support of the development of the Border Patrol Unit (BPU). The 2006 crisis illustrated to the Security Council members that the UN mission was rendered incapable of responding to the security situation. They were reminded of the importance of not withdrawing peacekeeping troops and police forces prematurely.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.271)