[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 5

 ”On 16 May 2005 Hedi Annabi, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, presenting the Secretary-General’s end of mandate report on the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) to the Security Council and “expressed his serious concern about the security gap that would be created by the departure of the backup security forces. I also conveyed my concern to the officials of key Security Council members when I visited London, Paris and Washington. They, however, considered that the situation was quite stable, and that Timor-Leste had matured in exercising democratic governance. This perception led the Security Council to remove all armed personnel and to leave behind just 40 unarmed police advisers to train PNTL officers, and 35 additional advisers […] in support of the development of the Border Patrol Unit (BPU). The 2006 crisis illustrated to the Security Council members that the UN mission was rendered incapable of responding to the security situation. They were reminded of the importance of not withdrawing peacekeeping troops and police forces prematurely.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.271)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 6

 ”I discovered to my dismay that the mandate of UNMISET and UNOTIL missions did not authorize us to be directly involved in the institutional capacity-building of F-FDTL in order to establish its proper management capacity. The Security Council wanted UN missions to build the national police force, but not the national defence forces. The military was left to bilateral partners such as Australia, Malaysia, Portugal and the United States. Despite the UN’s inability to support F-FDTL institutional capacity-building, in March 2006 I told the key Timorese security leaders that I would request the United Nations to provide ten advisers for improvement of F-FDTL management.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.156)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 7

 ”The resignation of Mari Alkatiri as the Prime Minister was a turning point in the post-independence history of Timor-Leste and was expected to ease the tension. However…Several thousand supporters of FRETILIN, mostly from the eastern districts, gathered just outside the capital, showing support for their party. Alkatiri addressed them, and the broadcasting of part of his address on television sparked several hours of street protests. Houses and public buildings in Dili were even set alight, and there was fear of clashes between pro- and anti-Alkatiri groups. However, anti-Alkatiri groups from the western districts were withdrawn from the city to avoid any confrontation when the pro-FRETILIN demonstrators from the east entered Dili.Newly arrived international forces were also there by then, to control the situation. As a result of this, some have said that Alkatiri did not have the chance to incite his followers to armed struggle against the group led by Gusmão. However, from my perspective, Alkatiri could have incited his followers to engage in violent acts, but showed prudence in recognizing the need for self-discipline. I recall Mari Alkatiri repeatedly telling me that he still had the power to destabilize the country and plunge it into a civil war if he had wanted to do so in June 2006. The Timorese leaders, including Mari Alkatiri, proved themselves committed to the national interest, and capable of subordinating their personal interests to the need for national stability.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.142)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 8

 ”In early May, Ramos-Horta suggested that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights should send a Rapporteur to investigate human rights violations during the incidents of 28 and 29 April…(As the armed clashes took place between F-FDTL and PNTL), I was convinced that the incidents required a transparent and impartial investigation by an international entity. I also considered it imperative to establish the accountability for specific criminal actions committed. I spoke to Foreign Minister Ramos-Horta and together we persuaded other key Timorese leaders to request the United Nations to invite an independent commission to investigate the armed incidents that took place at the end of the petitioners’ demonstration on 28 and 29 April as well as the series of clashes that took place between police and military personnel from 23 to 25 May 2006.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.145 and pp.172)


[Global Governance] Realism, Liberalism and Other Key Theoretical Concepts (Professor Hasegawa) (25th September 2012)

 On 25th September, 2012, Professor Hasegawa gave the students his second lecture on global governance. First, he explained a realist approach to world politics and referred to Hans Morgenthau. According to Morgenthau’s argument, sovereign states are regarded as the key actors, and they act rationally to ensure their national interests in international relations. Second, the professor expounded neo-realism and presented Kenneth Waltz’s contention that there is a structure even in the anarchic world. He indicated the weakness of international laws and the epiphenomenal character of international organizations. Third, the students gained insight into liberalism and neo-liberalism. They learned that several factors such as collective security, democratic peace, democracy promotion, integration between states and interdependence play a crucial role in the theory of liberalism. In addition, it’s worth mentioning the fact that the professor emphasized human rights, freedom, private ownership and other norms as significant elements of liberalism in the international relations. In addition, the professor indicated four kinds of liberalism namely, commercial liberalism, republic liberalism, sociological liberalism, and liberal institutionalism, at the end of the lecture. (Minako Ishikawa)


[IntOrg] The Roles and Activities of International Organizations in Economy, Social Development and Humanitarian Aid (Professor Hasegawa) (19th September 2012)

 On 19th September 2012, Professor Hasegawa gave a lecture on the roles and activities of international organizations in economy, social development and humanitarian aid. First, he returned the students their previous term exam results and provided them with explanations. Some students read their own answers on essay questions to the class. Second, he explained the class plan for the fall semester. He then continued to explain the relations of international organizations and 11 funds and programs established by the General Assembly and 15 UN Specialized Agencies that reported to the Economic and Social Council. He categorized them in term of their origins, functions and roles. He noted the political factors that influenced the conduct of international organizations. (Yuko Honda)


[Seminar] Hasegawa Seminar’s first class of the Fall semester was held (18th Sep 2012)

 Hasegawa Seminar’s first class of the Fall semester was held on September 18th of 2012.In 4th period, the new secretaries gave the orientation about the second semester. Yasuki Uchiyama explained the lesson plan. After him, Mai Uchida explained the research skill improvement program. Then, Minako Ishikawa gave information on the new procedure for writing the minutes of the proceedings.
During 5th period, the research skill improvement program was held. Shogo Yoshida explained the worksheet that was handed out beforehand and how to write a thesis. After talking about what they filled out on the worksheets, seminar members discussed their awareness of issues for each group.
(Mai Kato)


[Global Governance] Introduction to Global Governance – Theories and Concepts (Professor Hasegawa) (18th September 2012)

 On 18th September, 2012, Professor Hasegawa started his course on global governance with an explanation of its objective, schedule, grading method and reference books. He expected the students to be able to explain and discuss in English various theories and concepts of global governance by the end of the course in January 2013. Professor Hasegawa then identified four types of the globalization taking place in security, economic, environmental, and social/cultural spheres. Moreover, he explained the significance of global governance in the worlds of both Westphalia and post-Westphalia order. He referred to a definition given by the Commission on Global Governance and nine new global threats identified by the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change in its report A more secure world: Our shared responsibility published in December 2004. Finally, he introduced realism and discussed its relevance to global governance. He said he would introduce and examine later the relevance of other theories of international relations and global governance such neo-realism, liberalism, neo-liberalism, functionalism, social-constructivism, and critical theories. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


[Myanmar] IOM Yangon office Mr. Greg Irving (23rd Aug 2012)

On 23rd Aug, Myanmar study tour group and Professor Hasegawa visited IOM Yangon office and benefitted from a briefing given by Mr. Greg Irving. He explained the history of IOM involvement in Myanmar and their activities relating to migration health, emergency/recovery responses and migrant protection especially for trafficked persons.
According to him, IOM was assisting government to manage migration and also working closely with UNHCR and WHO. Nowadays a growing number of people migrate to Thailand legally or illegally. If adequately managed and the health of migrants protected, migration is not a problem, but rather a solution to the problem, if adequately managed and the health of migrants protected. In addition, Mr. Greg Irving said that migrants are travelling healthy. Migrants have very diverse groups. IOM needs to identify and address the specific vulnerabilities of each migrant. (Jieun Park)


[Myanmar] UNHCR Myanmar office Ms. Rosalie Fournier (23rd Aug 2012)

On 23rd August, the Myanmar study tour group and Professor Hasegawa visited UNHCR Myanmar office. After the introducing UNHCR, Ms Rosalie Fournier, Associate Protection Offficer, pointed out the definitions of “a refugee,” “an internally displaced person” and “a stateless person”. Then, she explained UNHCR activities in Myanmar. In Myanmar there are 11 UNHCR offices and its partners are not only government but also other UN agencies, NGOs and civil society organizations. Their activities are divided 3 areas; Rakhine State, South East area and Kachine State. Especially in South East area and Kachine State where many landmines exist, UNHCR conducts land mine risk education and traning. Moreover UNHCR responds to emergency situations, for example Cyclone and severe flooding. (Mai Nakasendo)


[Myanmar] JICA Planning Assistance in Agriculture and Education (21st Aug 2012)

On 21 August 2012, Professor Hasegawa, 2 graduate students, and 9 undergraduate students received a briefing at JICA Myanmar Office in Yangon. Messrs Sato and Danjyo kindly briefed us about JICA’s plan to provide assistance in education and agriculture, and to minority ethnic groups in Myanmar. Mr. Sato explained the status of technical assistance, grant aid and loans provided by Japan. He also mentioned that Japan would receive trainees in the fields of sports, health, farming, and IT. Mr. Danjyo told us about the need to change child education system. It is important for Myanmar to have an ownership towards the child-centered education. It is difficult and important to change the mentality of children in education. Finally, Mr. Sato mentioned the technical and financial assistance provided for removing landmines in ethnic minority states such as Kachin State. (Eri Iijima)


[India/Bangladesh] Meeting with Md. Abdur and Md. Samiul (6th Sep 2012)

On 6th September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group met with Md. Abdur Rahim, assistant professor, and Md. Samiul Islam, lecturer of Asia Pacific University.
Firstly, Md. Adbur talked about a department of law. In Bangladesh, the President is a leader and the deputy commissioner is a leader of state. Supreme court is in Dhaka. There are two types of law: one is a civil law and another is a criminal law.
Secondly, Md. Samiul mentioned human rights. In Bangladesh, there are public human rights lawyers and they plead poor people. In addition, Bangladesh promotes justice for women. Finally, we had a question-and-answer period and then some of students asked questions to Md. Adbur and Md. Samiul. (Yuko Honda)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by UNFPA (6th Sep 2012)

 On 6th September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited JPMO (Joint Programme Monitoring Office) of UNFPA in Dhaka. The presentation of UNFPA was delivered by two officers; Ms. Marianne Berner, the International Programme Manager, and Md, Shahidul Haque Khan, the Communication Officer. First, Ms, Marianne Berner gave a lecture to the students about the activities and outcomes of GOB joint programme to address Violence Against Women (VAW). Second, Md, Shahidul Haque Khan explained the 16 days of activism against gender violence campaign which will be held from 25th November to 10th December 2012. Finally, after the presentation, the study group members had lunch with some officers of UNFPA and had a pleasant time. (Aimi Ezawa)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by BRAC University (5th Sep 2012)

 On 5th September, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited BRAC University in Bangladesh. First, the University staffs took the students to the library and explained about it. The library owns a collection of more than 35,000 volumes, and students can search various books by the Internet which they want to read. Then the Hasegawa study tour group had a meeting with 4 students of BRAC University. We had a wonderful conversation and shared the information of each other. It was a short time, but we formed a strong friendship. (Yui Narikawa)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by BRAC (5th Sep 2012)

On 5th September 2012, the India and Bangladeshstudy tour group visited BRAC Dhaka Office in Bangladesh and Md Fariduzzaman Rana,Sr. Manager Visitors Communications, gave us a lecture. First, he talked about the history of BRAC. Bangladesh became independent in 1971. BRAC was established in 1972. Second, he explained Microfinance programme of BRAC to us. The Microfinance Programme started in 1974 and it raised the capacity of women empowerment. Third, he told us that education programme started in 1985 and BRAC has focused on human resources development and the children who had dropped out of school. Finally he answered the questions we asked. (Moe Kurisu)


[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by JICA Dhaka Office (5th September 2012)

 On 5th September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study group visited JICA Dhaka office in Bangladesh and Mr. Imai, the vice-chief in JICA Dhaka office, gave us a presentation following four points. At the beginning of the presentation, he briefly gave us the information of Bangladesh such as population, religion and so on. Secondly, he mentioned the situation of economy of Bangladesh. He said the Bangladeshi government aim to enter the middle class countries until 2021. Then he explained the situation of investment from Japan and also the attractive points of it. Finally, he introduced the results and principle of Japan’s ODA and also JICA’s projects such as infrastructure in India. (Aimi Ezawa)


[India/Bangladesh] UNICEF briefing (4th Sep 2012)

On 4th September 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited UNICEF Dhaka office in Bangladesh. First, Ms. Iftikhar Ahmed ChowDhury, Communication Officer, gave us a lecture on the outline of UNICEF’s activities in Bangladesh and she explained main issues which are concerned with education, water sanitation, child protection, life skill training and health. Second, Ms.Shamima Siddky, Education Specialist at Education Section, delivered a presentation focused on Non-Formal Education. She mainly mentioned a structure of education in Bangladesh and consciousness of people for education and child labor. Especially, she emphasized the educational difference between urban and rural area. At the end of her presentation, We watched a short film focused on children’s voice.
After the briefing, we visited MAWTS. MAWTS is working with UNICEF and there, children between the ages of 13 and 17 are learning repairing mobiles, tailoring, motorcycle repairs and roof tiling. Many on them are coming from slum areas in Dhaka. We inspected the class rooms, talked and took pictures with students. It was very impressive that they have high motivations for acquiring skills through going to the schools. It was a wonderful day that we could interact with children in Bangladesh.
(Yuuka Hirakawa)


[Myanmar] Briefing by UNDP Myanmar (23 Aug 2012)

On August 24, 2012, our Myanmar team received an informative briefing from the officers at UNDP office in Yangon.
UNDP has been working in Myanmar since 1994 and providing assistance directly to people without going through the government. Their programme will now consist of projects in three areas. The first is the integrated community development programme (ICDP), with focus on the social rehabilitation, micro-finance, community development and HIV/AIDs. Especially, the social rehabilitation and micro-finance projects are significant for their cooperation with UNDCL. The second programme addresses grwoing environmental problems in Myanmar. Regarding the climate change. UNDP is trying to build a link with communities from the great damage of the huge cyclone in 2008 brought and is providing technical assistance to them because there is no proper assessment made in Myanmar. Secondary, UNDP is addressing the energy problem considering the environmental and development implications. Also they aim to develop an environmental assessment methodology. Lastly, UNDP is supporting capacity building for democratic governance with respect to the government of Myanmar. Thanks to the comprehensive and informative lecture, we learned that UNDP is playing an important role in helping Myanmar in its rehabilitation and development. (Yuka Narikawa)
