[Seminar] Policing in peace operations and the significance of human capital in developing countries’ economy (27th Nov 2012)

On 27th November 2012, Yuhi Kawase made a presentation on policing in the context of peace operations on the basis of the chapter 17 of the “Understanding Peacekeeping” written by Alex J. Bellamy and Paul D. Williams. He spared most of his time for providing the historical overview of policing in peace operations. After his presentation, students discussed and shared their views and understandings on what sort of challenges policing in peace operations confronts.
In the latter half of our class, Yui Narikawa, Yasuki Uchiyama, and Moe Kurisu, who belong to study group of the development economics, made presentations on the significance of human capital in developing countries’ economy on the basis of the “Economic Development” written by Michael P. Todaro and Stephen Smith. They specially focused on how health affects development, economic analysis of child labour, and social costs and benefits of education in developing countries. In the class, professor Hasegawa helped us grasping the ideas and terminologies frequently used in economics. (Jun Sune Misu)


[Seminar] Learning about the Concept of Justice in the Pre-Autumn-Camp (16th Nov 2012)

 On 16th November 2012, before the autumn-camp of the Hasegawa seminar class, Professor Hasegawa and four students spent a day and they learned on Justice that Professor Michael J. Sandel analyzes in his lectures at Harvard University. The students made their presentations of the four chapters.
 First, Ms. Misa Komine gave an example of conscription system and surrogate birth based on her reading of the chapter 4. Next presenter, Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama, explained John Rawl’s philosophy, “A Theory of Justice”, contained in the chapter 6. The third presentation was made by Mr. Keiki Takemasa, and he summarized the issues of affirmative actions in the chapter 7. Finally, Ms. Yui Narikawa mentioned the dilemma of loyalty in the chapter 9.
 The presentations by four students followed viewing of the video recordings of the actual lectures delivered by Professor Sandel. These video recordings enable the students to enhance their understandings of various issues pertaining the concept of justice.
(Misa Komine)


[IntOrg] The World Bank and Japan (Ms. Mika Iwasaki) (14th November 2012)

 On 14th November 2012, Ms. Mika Iwasaki, an official from the World Bank, visited Hosei University and delivered a lecture on the World Bank and Japan. First she explained the World Bank Group including IBRD and IDA, and their organization. Second, she explained the organizational transition in terms of its institutional structure and its approach to development. The World Bank was established in 1944 for reconstruction of the war-torn countries after the WWⅡ and the priority development agenda have continuously changed since 1950s. Third she talked about the relationship between Japan and the World Bank. Japan received loans from the World Bank during 1950s and 1960s. Before Japan finished paying back in 1967, Japan started supporting developing countries through IDA, one of the arms of the World Bank. Now Japan is the second largest shareholder of the World Bank. Fourth, its organization reforms such as governance and voice were explained. Finally she showed the operational results from the World Bank’s latest annual report. (Yui Narikawa)


[Seminar] Carefully reading “Protection of Civilians” and the lecture about the Conflict and Development in Afghanistan by Mr. Hanazato (13th Nov 2012)

 On November 13th 2012, during the 4th period class, the presentation on the chapter 15 of the book, “Understanding Peacekeeping” was given by Peace Building Group. They explained what “protection of civilian” (POC) is. After their presentation, we discussed whether the Japan Self-Defense Forces should protect civilians during peace keeping operations. During the 5th period, we welcomed Mr. Hanazato Nobuhiko, the Director of the JICA Tokyo International Center and he delivered us the lecture entitled “Conflict and Development -through experience in Afghanistan-“. (Yuna Kitamura)


[IntOrg] Brief explanation of Millennium Development Goals and Mid-Term Examination of MDGs (Professor Hasegawa) (7th November 2012)

 On 7th November 2012, Professor Hasegawa briefly explained the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). He delineated the relevance of eight MDG goals; Japan’s contributions and the roles of international organizations to help achieve MDG goals respectively. Then he gave the students a MDGs related homework for submission on December 5th. After that, the mid-term examination about MDGs was held. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


[Seminar] Privatization in peace operations and “free will” by Kant philosophy (30 Oct 2012)

  On 30th of October 2012, during the 4th period, the presentation on the chapter 13 of the “Understanding Peacekeeping” was given by Economic Development Group.
  First, Eri Iijima explained the concept of regionalization. Secondly, Sune Jun Misu referred advantages and disadvantages about regionalization. Advantages of regionalization primarily are geographical proximity, long-term activities, and likelihood of its intervention even when the UN had decided not to intervene. Disadvantages of regionalization, on the other hand, are that they are likely to seek profit, lack of funding and that there are certain cases where such regional organization is nonexistent. After that, Mai Nakasendo explained regional peace keeping in practice by presenting example from the Islands of Solomon and Liberia.
  During the 5th period, Justice Group presented the philosophy advocated by Michel Sandel. Chapter 5 focuses on Immanuel Kant. Moe Kurisu introduced the perspective of Kant which justice is defined by the nature of motivation for an action.Misa Komine explained what the best principle is. Then, seminar members watched lecture by Sandel on DVD.
  At last, seminar members parted into 3 groups, utilitarian, libertarian, and faction Kanto, and exchanged their opinions on Japan’s pension system. (Mai Kato)


[Seminar] The Peace Support Operations under the Basic Principles of UNPKO and the Agricultural Transformation in Economic Development (23rd Oct 2012)

 On 23rd October 2012, during the 4th period class, Daiki Kawabe, Yuko Honda and Mai Kato made presentations on peace support operations on the basis of the Chapter 9 of the “Understanding Peacekeeping”. They mentioned that, according to the British peacekeeping doctrine, peace support operations consist of military elements and diplomatic and humanitarian agencies. In addition, they pointed out that peace support operations are deployed under the basic principles of United Nations Peacekeeping: (1) consent of the concerning parties, (2) impartiality and (3) non-use of force except in self-defense and defense of the mandate. Especially, they emphasized the difference between impartiality (“treating everyone according to the same principles”) and neutrality (“opting not to take a position”).
In the 5th period, Sune Jun Misu, Hayato Takeuchi, Mai Nakasendo, Aimi Ezawa and Minshik Kim made presentations on agricultural transformation and rural development on the basis of the “Economic Development” written by Todaro and Smith. First, they introduced Authors’ questions that even petty farmers should be integrated into the processes of development if rural development directly affects the process of poverty reduction. Moreover, they also presented their analysis on the situations of farm management in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Finally, they suggested it is the very ideal form of rural development to improve long tillable systems and social welfare for labors.
(Shogo Yoshida)


[NEWS] Hosei University Department of Global Politics Joint Seminar: Study-Tour Report Programme (21th Oct 2012)

  On 21 November 2012, Hosei University Department of Global Politics Joint Seminar Study-Tour Report Programme was held at Hosei University. Mr. Hiroaki Suzuki, the head of Suzuki Seminar class, delivered opening remarks.
The programme started from Hasegawa seminar’s three presentations, “Sustainable Development of Myanmar”, “the way to EU -Possibilities of OHR’s withdrawal-” and “the roles of non-formal Education in Bangladesh with the view of International Organizations”.
  Next, Suzuki seminar class students presented “the prospects of Myanmar’s democratization”. They had raised their own 7 questions towards Myanmar’s democratization before the tour. Along with the organizations they had visited, they shared four points, reconciliation of ethnic minorities issues, economic development, democratization and political stabilization and consciences of citizens whom they had met in Yangon toward their future. Finally one seminar student pointed out that international community kept watching Myanmar’s own process of democratization not to impose on the Western way.
  Finally, Goto seminar students gave a presentation ”Japan’s way of dealing with Rising Asian Countries -from the view of International development cooperation with the 60th Anniversary of Japan-India Diplomatic Relations-”. They started it with the tour highlight movie. In explaining the main theme, Ms. Ryoko Arai, the head of Goto Seminar class, noted that for sustainable India’s development wide variety actors are co-working and, Japan and rising Asian courtiers should be mutual complement partners. Finally all of Goto seminar students stated their dreams in international development cooperation fields energetically.
  Presenters received many of critical comments and informative opinions from Guest commentators. Professor Kazumi Goto noted that this event should be held every year as one of the main events at Department of Global Politics. With Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama’s closing remarks, this Joint seminar Study-tour report programme was warmly ended.

Comments from Guest Commentators:
・ They should have included their own comments and opinions from their experiences and also things they could have not understood throughout each tour.
・ The time the boost of Asian economy is slowing down, what do you think that Myanmar should pursue 7% economic development as rapid growth or 5% of it.
・ Which neighboring countries have been affected by Myanmar’s high growth?
・ The purpose of this programme should be shared to all participants.
(Yuki Shouzui)


[Global Governance] International Law and Global Governance (Professor Yozo Yokota) (16th October 2012)

 On 16th October 2012, Professor Yozo Yokota gave a stimulating lecture on “International Law and Global Governance”. Professor Yokota had taught international law at Chuo University, University of Tokyo and International Christian University for over forty years and currently serves as President of the Center for Human Rights Education and Training, Chairperson of the ILO Committee of Experts and President of Japan Association for United Nations Studies. He began his lecture by giving his definition of “Global Governance”. He stated: “Global governance is an ability of various responsible actors to address and manage global issues adequately in order to ensure safety, health, wellbeing and meaning life to mankind.” He further analyzed the three main concepts of this definition, namely, “actors”, “global issues” and “adequacy of addressing and management”. He then explained the meaning of “international law”. According to Professor Yokota, “international law is a system of law to regulate the relationship between States, international organizations, individuals, civil society organizations, enterprises and other actors in the world community.” He further pointed out that, while international law has contributed to ensure global governance in the past, there are still serious limitations such as lack of provisions and insufficiency of enforcement. He concluded that, in order to strengthen the role of international law to promote good governance, more efforts are needed to make better use of the provision of Article 13, paragraph 1(a), of the UN Charter, which reads: “encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification.” (Misa Komine)


[Seminar] Transitional Administration and the case study of Timor-Leste (16th Oct 2012)

  During 4th period on October 16th of 2012, Risa Kato, Yuui Sasaki, and Sayaka Yatabe, who are members of the Peace Building Group, made a presentation on the theme of why the rule of law was not implemented in Timor-Leste. They focused on the importance of rule of law and explained the problem of ruling Timor-Leste.
  In 5th period, Aimi Ezawa, Yasuki Uchiyama, Minshik Kim, and Hayato Takeuchi, who are members of the Economic Development Group, made a presentation on transitional administration of understanding peacekeeping. They pointed out the importance of cooperation between local people and outside actors. After the presentation, Professor Hasegawa addressed his students on the issue concerning transitional administration in detail based on his field experience. We learned that it is essential for the United Nations to build a liberal-democratic state that reflects the opinions of the local people.
(Eri Iijima)


[IntOrg] The UN and Japan’s diplomacy towards the UN (Mr. Kazuhiro Kuno) (10th October 2012)

 On 10th October, 2012, Mr. Kazuhiro Kuno, the director of the UN Planning and Administration Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, gave a lecture on the UN and Japan’s diplomacy towards the UN. First he illustrated the role of the UN and the changes of the UN functions over years. The UN covers almost all global issues in the world as the only comprehensive and universal international organization. Secondly he talked about issues in the 21st century and reform of the UN according to the background of changing realities of international society, including globalization and the advance in information technology. In these changing environments, the UN has been tackling such issues as environment, infection, refugee, climate change and so forth. Most acute problems the international society is faced with at this moment can be characterized as “internal problems” such as ethnic problems, issues related to internally displaced persons (IDPs), democracy. He noted that the legitimacy of the UN activities in these fields is increasing. Thirdly he explained Japan’s diplomacy towards the UN. Japan has been consistently promoting its diplomacy in the fields of disarmament, human rights, and fragile states assistance. Japan also has been contributing to the activities of the UN by means of human resources and budget as well. Japan’s multilateral diplomacy has been conducted parallel to its bilateral diplomacy. Finally after his lecture, he responded to some questions and comments from students. (Yuhi Kawase)


[Seminar] Carefully read “Assisting Transition” and the lecture about “Refugees” by the Human Rights group (9th Oct 2012)

On 9th October 2012, in the 4th period, we firstly discussed the theme about the joint session of study tour which will be held on 21th October 2012. After this discussion, Kohei Yokota, Minako Ishikawa and Sayaka Yatabe who are members of the Peace Building Group made a presentation about Chapter 10: Assisting Transition. After this presentation, the students discussed in four groups “Was it appropriate that UNTAC withdrew from Cambodia after the election?”
In the 5th period, Yuka Narikawa, Yuko Honda, Mai Uchida and Yuhi Kawase who are members of the Human Rights Group made a presentation about Refugees. The students then discussed in four groups “Whether Japan should accept the refugees or not”. (Aimi Ezawa)


[IntOrg] The role of International Organization for Migration and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Ms. Naoko Hashimoto) (3rd October 2012)

 On 3rd October 2012, Ms. Naoko Hashimoto, the Programme Manager in IOM Tokyo Office, gave the students an informative lecture of two organizations: IOM and UNHCR. She emphasized the importance of IRO (International Refugee Organization) in understanding the births of IOM and UNHCR during 1950s. Firstly, she explained the activity of IOM. IOM primary focuses on promotion of humane and orderly migration in a way to benefit both migrants, including refugees, and sending/receiving societies. It has a lot of local offices so they can work in every corner effectively around the world. Secondly, she talked about UNHCR. She focused on the legal definition of refugees and how the activities of UNHCR have evolved during the past 60 years. Finally, she explained the relation between IOM and UNHCR and explained about Refugee Resettlement, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), climate change and migrants/refugees, and development and IOM / UNHCR. (Misa Komine)


[Global Governance] Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste holds Dialogue with Hosei students (2nd October 2012)

 On 2nd October, 2012, Mr. Isilio Antonio de Fatima Coelho da Silva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, visited Hosei University, and gave his lecture as the third class of the global governance. The theme was “Reconstruction and state building in Timor-Leste: its accomplish, progress and vision for future”. At first, the ambassador explained the civil war of the 90s, and emphasized two causes, namely, decolonization and the Cold War. Concretely, decolonization was premature for Timor-Leste of the day since the government lost the adequate capacity, and the struggle for power between the United States and the Soviet Union also embroiled it in the dispute. Thus, these two factors provoked the civil war. And then, the ambassador mentioned the United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations. With referring to the case of Timor-Leste, all attendance, including the ambassador, professors, and students, confirmed that the United Nations has played the dedicated role toward peace in post-conflict countries. As the ambassador asserted, Timor-Leste is growing as a peaceful country now. Its accomplish, progress, and vision for the future, gave an audience further expectations toward the brighter future. (Risa Kato)


[NEWS] Professor Hasegawa Speaks to Japanese Defense Personnel (1st Oct 2012)

On 1st October 2012, Professor Hasegawa made a presentation on the major organizations of the UN and peacekeeping operations to the Japan Self-Defense Forces personnel at the National Olympic Park Center. In the first part of his presentation, Professor Hasegawa explained about five roles of major international organizations. In the second part he indicated four “generations” of changes that took place in the UN peacekeeping operations.The third part dealt with the role and authority of the Security Council and the enforcement process of mandates. In the fourth and fifth parts he spoke about his activities on the location and the lessons he had learned from his various experiences such as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) in Timor-Leste. (Yui Narikawa)


[IntOrg] Introductory Lecture on the Role of International Organizations in Economic, Social, Development and Humanitarian Assistance (Professor Hasegawa) (26th September 2012)

 On 26th September 2012, in his introductory lecture on international organizations in the second term, Professor Hasegawa spoke first about the functional growth of the international organizations’ roles in economic, social, development and humanitarian affairs. He delineated the functional roles played by such organizations as ITU, ILO, UNEP and UNHCHR in fulfilling specific needs of the international community in telecommunication, labor standards, environmental and human rights. He also explained the special status and roles of IAEA and UN OCHA. IAEA is the organization that promotes peaceful use of atomic energy and carries out measures that prevent military application of such energy. IAEA has a unique methodology for election of its 35 Board Member States. Thirteen members are designated by the previous and 22 are elected on a geographical basis. Council Professor Hasegawa mentioned that UN OCHA is the central office that coordinates the activities of UN agencies and international NGOs in support of the victims of natural disaster and conflicts. The important roles are promotion of consistency and effectiveness. Secondly, Professor Hasegawa explained about a series of United Nations reform initiatives taken by then Secretary-General Kofi Anna in 1997 and by the General Assembly in 2005. He also mentioned the Delivering as One proposal made by a High Level Panel in 2006. (Daiki Kawabe)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 1

 Taur Matan Ruak, as his nom de guerre indicates, is an intelligent fighter with “Two Sharp Eyes” who penetrated the minds of people he came across. When I arrived in Timor-Leste, he was the Commander of the FALINTIL-Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). Prior to serving in the F-FDTL, he was the last commander of the Armed Forces of National Liberation of East Timor or FALINTIL (Forças Armadas para a Liberação Nacional de Timor Leste), the insurgent army which resisted the Indonesian occupation of the territory from 1975 to 1999. He endured the hardship and became the Commander-in-Chief of FALINTIL upon Xanana Gusmão`s resignation from FALINTIL. Being a revolutionary fighter, TMR was disciplined and demanding. In March 2006, when I asked him why he was hard on his soldiers, TMR pointed out that “many of the newly recruited soldiers demanded comparatively easy treatment; this contrasted with the severe hardship he and other guerrilla fighters had endured, without any reward, during the independence struggle. He felt the need for more discipline among young soldiers…” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.117)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 2

 “Shortly after they took office, both President Gusmão and Prime Minister Alkatiri initiated the programmes of ‘Open Presidency’ and `Open Governance`. Both campaigns had the same explicit purpose of communicating with the general public at large with regard to what they were doing, and what people wanted from the leaders. They shared the same objective of gaining and sustaining the popular support essential in democracy. I was invited to many of the public gatherings hosted by both the President and the Prime Minister in 2003 and 2004. These events were well organized. Large crowds of people numbering from several hundred to a few thousand attended. Taking advantage of his Presidency, Gusmão from time to time held “National Dialogues” aimed at airing out some issues of contention that had wider national implications.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.24)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 3

 ”In 2002, the Timorese government and other state institutions assumed sovereignty and started to function in an atmosphere of jubilation, with smiling faces seen everywhere. In the early days, the leaders showed a spirit of confidence and tolerance towards one other. Yet, as in many other post-conflict countries, disharmony soon began to appear, and this developed into a schism between the two organs of governance……the executive government and the National Parliament, dominated by FRETILIN, and the Office of the President, respectively.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.74)


[Primordial Leadership] Photo Gallery No. 4

 ”SRSG Sharma and I visited Jakarta periodically to brief ambassadors of interested countries and the Government of Indonesia.” The Ad Hoc Tribunal in Jakarta was one of the key issues discussed extensively. “The dismal outcome of the Ad Hoc Tribunal reinforced the feeling that the United Nations had an obligation to help realize a credible process in Timor-Leste. […] This ‘inequality of arms’, I felt, should be rectified […] asked for an increase in the budget for defence lawyers, to improve the credibility of the SCP. I also asked for an increase in the number of judges, as we only had enough judges for one panel, and I felt it was essential to have two fully staffed panels of judges to carry out trials efficiently and effectively.” (Hasegawa “Primordial Leadership” pp.167)
