長谷川ゼミ5期生、7名が卒業しました(30 March 2013)

 長谷川先生、式から日が経ってしまいましたが卒業式の報告をいたします。3月24日、5期生のうち7名(高橋、加藤、橋本、平田、光達、近藤、野田)が卒業いたしました。卒業式当日は、4期生の大山さん、山崎さんが式に駆けつけてくださりました。 当日、国際政治学科では学位記が、菱田先生と萩谷先生から学生に渡されました。学位記を授与される際、大学4年間のこと、長谷川ゼミでの経験が走馬灯のごとく思い出されました。大きなセレモニーとはもっと形式的なものとこのときまで思っていましたが、直接経験すると、感慨深いものがあり、過去の思い出と、学位を授与された重みを感じました。また大山さんからは、「野田君をはじめ後輩のみんなが頑張ってきたからその学位記には重みがあるんだ」といった旨の言葉を頂きました。最後になりましたが、スイスからのゼミ生へのメッセージありがとうございました。春に、先生にお会い出来るのを楽しみにしております。(野田悠将)


Full-blown Cherry Blossoms in Tokyo (29 March 2013)

 Dear Professor Hasegawa (Cc. All seminar students), thank you for your nice pictures of Swiss Alps Mountains, Professor Hasegawa. They are majestic but I felt freezing cold when I saw these photos. Yesterday, I walked on streets around Hosei University and enjoyed seeing full-blown cherry blossoms that were so beautiful. They showed me spring is coming here. Cherry blossom is a symbol of meeting people and parting them. When the cherry blossom ends and the new school year starts in April, we will start our own separate lives. You will no longer be with us in class, so I wish you and all seminar students a good start of your new lives. (Shogo Yoshida)


Greetings from Top of Swiss Alps (28 March 2013)



Message from Geneva (18 March 2013)

 長谷川ゼミ生、OB/OGのみなさん、今、スイスに来ております。ジュネーブでは昨夜より雪が降り、真っ白の美しい世界となりました。まもなく、国際機関人材育成セミナーが2週間あり、講義をいたします。4月には東京に戻り、20日には平和構築研究会の第1回を法政大学で開催します。土曜日ですので、参加して下さい。今後も一緒に学んでいきましょう。 (長谷川祐弘)


Norms of Protection: Difference and Interaction between R2P and POC (12 March 2013)

 On 12 March 2013, the 17th interactive seminar on global issues was held at United Nations University, Tokyo. It was entitled “Civilians in Harm’s Way: A Tale of Two Protection Norms”. In this seminar, the participants discussed the two complex concepts: Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Protection of Civilian (POC). First of all, Dr. Sampford, Professor of Law and Research Professor of Ethics at Griffith University, made a presentation about his analysis on their development of R2P and POC as international norms. Then, Dr. Popovski, Senior Academic Programme Officer of UNU-ISP, made a presentation about their difference between R2P and POC and the “myth” of R2P. He compared R2P with POC in the way of their legal sources and actors. After their presentation, three guests: His Excellency Dr. Charles Murigande, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Rwanda to Japan, Mr. Reiichiro Takahashi, Director-General, International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, and Dr. Johan Cels, Representative in Japan, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), made a few comments. Finally, some audiences asked several interesting questions of the presenters and commentators. (Shogo Yoshida)


Five Hosei High School Students Emphasize Importance of Their Study at Boarding Schools in USA (9 March 2013)

 On March 9th, we visited Professor Hasegawa at his residence in Hiroo, Tokyo. These students were Torai Takenawa, Takaya Furukawa and Masanobu Hayama who had studied abroad at South Kent School, Masako Ota who had spent one year at Kent School, and Misano Matsue who had gone to Marvelwood School located in Connecticut, USA. They informed Professor Hasegawa what they did in their study and sports at their schools. They felt strongly that Japanese high school students should have more opportunities to study abroad as they would benefit significantly from their experience. We enjoyed talking to not only Professor Hasegawa but also Ms. Ikeda and Mr. Tsuchiya who also participated in the reunion. (Masako Ota)


[PBSG] Lunching of Peacebuilding Study Group (2 March 2013)

 The organizational meeting for the establishment of a Peacebuilding Study Group (PBSG) was held on 2nd March 2013 at Hosei University. The meeting was attended by eleven persons from Hosei University and other institutions. First, we identified the roles and functions of respective persons. The meeting asked Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa to act as Chairman and took note of Professor Yuji Suzuki`s agreement to act as an Advisor. The meeting then agreed to the following persons to perform respective roles: Mr. Shogo Yoshida, Secretary-General; Messrs. Norimasa Tochibayashi and Taichiro Fujino for planning and organization of the study meetings; Messrs. Kazuo Watanabe and Yusuke Noda for the management of general affairs; Ms. Asami Ikeda, for public relations; Ms. Masumi Asano for liaison with guest speakers; Ms. Saki Sakamoto for liaison with other universities; and Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama for contacting the Faculty of Law, the International Center and other departments within Hosei University. Second, we have conducted the hearing from each member to share their ideas and views concerning the PSG’s purposes and roles, and discussed how to make this organization as an integrated institution so that we can achieve specific outcomes and achievements. Thirdly, we also discussed the process of the forthcoming seminar which will be held on 20th April and 11th May 2013. (Asami Ikeda)


Professor Hasegawa Commends Seminar Chief Uchiyama for His Leadership (23 Feb 2013)

 On 23rd February 2013, Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama held a farewell party, “oikon”, for the outgoing seminar students. He showed a memorial video which contained photos and stories of what had happened during the past year. They included memorial pictures of study tours to India/Bangladesh, Myanmar and Former Yugoslavia as well as seminars and symposia held at Hosei University including the visit of former President Ramos-Horta. After the wonderful movie, Mr. Uchiyama and his classmates gave cards to Professor Hasegawa and the third-year students who were graduating from the seminar class. Professor Hasegawa thanked Mr. Uchiyama for having organized such a memorable event and presented the certificates of appreciation and special contributions made by the seminar president and his deputies, Yui Narikawa and Minako Ishikawa. Professor Hasegawa also handed certificates of contributions and special efforts made by other members of the seminar class. (Shogo Yoshida)


Professor Hasegawa Explains Strategic Mission Leadership to HPC Trainees (29th-30th Jan 2013)

 On 29th and 30th January 2013, Professor Hasegawa gave a lecture to a group of about 25 trainees of the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center (HPC) from Asian countries and Japan on the role of the United Nations and leadership in peacebuilding. His lecture consisted of a presentation of the evolutional changes in peacekeeping operations, transition from peacekeeping into peacebuilding phases, the significance of peacebuilding in a wider context, UN’s peacebuilding architecture and lessons learned from UN experience in peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations. […] (Shogo Yoshida)


Greeting from Cost Rica! (Kyoko Hirano)

Dear Professor Hasegawa (CC Professor Hoffmann),
 Happy New Year Hasegawa sensei! I hope you are keeping yourself warm in spite of hard winter in Japan this year. I safely got back to Costa Rica about a week ago and the class started as usual. When we talked at the alumni party in December, you said you met a young professor who is from Germany and is professor of the University for Peace. Immediately, I thought that was Julia Hoffmann. So I talked with Julia today on campus and she was surprised at such a miracle connection!And also she mentioned that UNU and UPeace should have more connection in future. […]


Professor Hasegawa Conducts Training Lecture and Workshop to FASID Trainees on “Delivering As One” (16 Jan 2013)

 On 16th January 2013, Professor Hasegawa conducted a workshop for 14 trainees on the Delivering-As-One process held at the FASID seminar room in Azabu, Tokyo. Yuta Nakamoto, former chief of the Hasegawa seminar class, Kazuyuki Toriumi, a Hosei graduate student and Shogo Yoshida, a Hasegawa seminar student, joined in the workshop which dealt with the Rwanda case.
 After an introductory presentation by Professor Hasegawa, the workshop participants constituted two groups and carried out CCA and UNDAF with a view to drawing up the key goals of One UN Program in order of priority, their time schedule of events and locations. Nakamoto acted as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, Toriumi as a representative of NGO Human Rights and Media (CNN/BBC), and Yoshida as UN Humanitarian Coordinator.
 Afterward, Ms. Sachiko Matsumoto, coordinator of the FASID training program, provided a feedback from the participants. They seemed to have found the exercise highly useful in understanding the complexity of coordinating the views and priorities attached to various development programs by host Government, UN agencies and donor countries of what should be done in a coordinated manner. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] Hasegawa Seminar Successfully Finishes Its Study and Activities (16th January 2013)

 The final seminar class and events were held on 16 January 2013, first in Classroom S-307 where Professor Hasegawa conducted his last lecture on international organizations and then a group of the seminar students gathered in the special faculty meeting room to talk about what they had learned from the seminar class. Many of them pointed out that they had gained confidence and learned how to speak up and express their opinions. They recalled many events that they had successfully planned and managed such as “dialogues with ambassadors” and symposia. They also pointed out that it was challenging to read so many books by Russell on philosophy on knowledge, Joseph Nye, Jr. on history of conflicts, Michael Sandel on justice, Bellamy on peacekeeping written in English. Through lectures, presentations and discussion, they succeeded in achieving much this year. The seminar students expressed their wish to maintain their association. We thanked Professor Hasegawa for guiding us this year. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


[NEWS] Peace Mission Leadership (31st December 2012)

 The world-wide Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS) has just published Professor Hasegawa’s article entitled “Peace Mission Leadership: Achieving Unity of Efforts” in its newsletter issue No.4, 2012. In this article, Professor Hasegawa points out the importance of situational leadership that forges the relationship of trust and confidence and enhances the commitment of national leaders to communal and national interest.


[Seminar] Challenge for Water Supply and Perspectives of Liberal Democracy (18th December 2012)

 On 18th December 2012, during the 4th period class, four seminar students: Misa Komine, Yuuka Hirakawa, Eri Iijima and Yuki Shozui, made presentations on global poverty issues with water resources. First, Misa Komine explained some advantages of ensuring safe water and sanitary facilities. Then, Yuuka Hirakawa took up the following causes not of establishment of water supply: (1) water shortage, (2) gaps between supply and demand, and (3) budget deficit in infrastructure improvement. Next, Eri Iijima described the background of water shortage and suggested that governments should consider the secondary damages with infrastructure development such as the violation of human rights and the destruction of the environment. Finally, Yuki Shozui concluded that all the states must not only fulfill equality and efficient of resources, but also enable coming generation to continuously enjoy the benefit of water. In the 5th period, as a review of the class of last week, all seminar students discussed the following: (1) why “Liberal Democracy” needs in post-conflict countries; (2) why the UN often failed to introduce “Liberal Democracy” to the countries; and (3) how the UN can realize internal peace and stability in the countries. After the discussion, Professor Hasegawa looked back to the seminar class of this year. He referred to some main points of the textbooks which the seminar students read intensively in this seminar. In the end, he explained essay quizzes on these books which will carry out on 8th January 2013, the final seminar class. (Shogo Yoshida)


[OBOG] Hasegawa Seminar Students and Graduates Hold Annual Dinner Party (8th December 2012)

 On 8th December 2012, an alumni association of the Hasegawa Seminar was held at the PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO NISHIAZABU, Tokyo. The party was attended by 23 seminar students, 21 graduates and Professor Hasegawa. The participants reported on their jobs and works they are undertaking. And then, hey celebrated Professor Hasegawa’s birthday and gave him a big bouquet of flowers. Although this was the final alumni association before the Hasegawa Seminar class will finish at the end of March 2013, both Professor Hasegawa and his students pledged to maintain their group among the Seminar students, graduates and Professor Hasegawa. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] All-inclusive lecture: “Understanding Peacekeeping” conclusion (4th Dec 2012)

 On 4th December 2012, we had all-inclusive lecture on the conclusion of “Understanding Peacekeeping”. First of all, Mai Uchida reviewed each chapter and explained the transition of peacekeeping activities. There are many different subcategories in operations, but the ones most significant are in missions that aim to assist transitions and transitional administrations. Then Minako Ishikawa pointed out themes and issues; (1) To understand the relation between Westphalia and Post-Westphalia. (2) A gap between the theory and practice on peace operations. (3) The proliferation of actors associated with peace operations. Finally, Yui Narikawa explained 4 thoughts on the future peace operations; (1) The debate between advocates of Westphalian and post-Westphalian. (2) The trend towards mixed forms of peacekeeping is likely to continue. (3) The legitimacy of peace operations will be tied to their capacity. (4) Great power politics will continue.
 After the presentation we discussed the future of peacekeeping operation and the transition of international relations. (Mai Nakasendo)


[Global Governance] Symposium “Humanitarian Diplomacy: Diplomats Who Saved Jewish People” (4th December 2012)

 On December 4th, an international symposium on “Humanitarian Diplomacy: Diplomats Who Saved Jewish People” was held at Hosei University. First of all, President Toshio Masuda gave an opening address. Then, Mr. Ulf SÖRMRK, Minister-Counsellor of the Kingdom of Sweden, Mr. Peleg-Pablo LEWI, Acting Ambassador of Israel, and Mr. István GERELYES, Minister-counsellor of Hungary, made the audience welcoming remarks. After that, Ms. Fumiko ISHIOKA, Representative of the Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center, and Professor Hasegawa gave them keynote speeches. Ms. Ishioka told them about the accomplishments of Mr. Raoul Wallenberg and their significance and Professor Hasegawa indicated the accomplishments of Mr. Sugihara Chiune and insistence on humanitarian diplomacy and global justice in the context of the Westphalia world of nation states of which concern has remained national security and interest. Various issues and opinions were then expressed by three panelists: Mr. Masaaki SHIRAISHI, Deputy Director Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Professor Mikiko ETO, Department of Politics, Faculty of Law, and Dr. Vesselin POPOVSKI, Senior Academic Programme Officer of the United Nations University. The discussion became lively and heated at a time. After panel discussion, a few participants made comments and asked questions. At the end of the discussion session, Professor Hasegawa a summary of views expressed and Professor Yoshiro Fukuda, Hosei University Executive Vice President, gave closing remarks. (Moe Kurisu)


[NEWS] Actress Norika Fujiwara Congratulates President Ramos-Horta (29th November 2012)

 At the end of the ceremony on 29th November 2012, Actress Norika Fujiwara congratulated former President Ramos-Horta on his having received an honorary doctorate degree in Law from Hosei University. Ms. Fujiwara has visited Timor-Leste twice and became a good friend of former President Ramos-Horta. In spite of her busy filming engagements, she came to Hosei University to meet with the former President. She also showed some photos she had taken during her stay in Timor-Leste. (Shogo Yoshida)


[NEWS] Hosei University Grants Honorary Doctorate to the President José Ramos-Horta (29th Nov 2012)

 On 29th November 2012, Hosei University President Toshio Masuda granted an honorary doctorate in law to the former President José Ramos-Horta of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Mr. Masuda recognized José Ramos-Horta’s contributions to achieving independence and political stability after independence. The certificate of the honorary doctorate degree was read by Vice President Akira Tokuyasu of Hosei University. Mr. Satsuki Eda, the former Minister of Justice, Mr. Kishiro Tanabe, Lieutenant General and Vice President of the National Defense Academy, and Mr. Toshio Yamamoto, Director of the Second Southeast Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made congratulatory remarks to President José Ramos-Horta for having received the honorary doctorate in law from Hosei University. During the discussion session that followed President Ramos-Horta’s memorial speech, Mr. Shogo Yoshida asked for the President’s view on the nationalistic policy advanced by some political parties. The President advised about the tendency to take a strong position by politicians during the electoral campaigning but a more cautious approach they take once they form a government. In his concluding remarks, Professor Yuji Suzuki noted the significance of contributions made by former President José Ramos-Horta in conflict resolution and management. After the ceremony was completed, actress Ms. Norika Fujiwara presented a bouquet of flowers and opened explained photographs that had taken in Timor-Leste that we exhibited in the hall way. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


[NEWS] Former President Ramos-Horta Calls Upon Japan, China and Korea (28th Nov 2012)

 In his U Thant Distinguished lecture delivered at the UN University in Tokyo on 28 November, Former President Ramos-Horta of Timor-Leste called upon Japan, China and Korea to rise above their differences on what happened in the past and territorial issues. Noting that the maritime territorial issues tended to divide countries, he proposed an establishment of a joint development area and sharing of the benefit of exploitation of maritime natural resources. He also proposed that the countries of Asia form a cooperative association or union as European countries have established the European Union and African countries, the African Union. Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa of Hosei University commented on two of the points made by Former President Ramos-Horta relating to the need for strengthening the national and local capacity for governance and the relationship among truth, justice, reconciliation and peace. Several participants then made comments and raised questions. The meeting lasted half an hour longer than planned. On 30 November, President Ramos-Horta also made a courtesy call on Vice Rector Kazuhiko Takeuchi of the UN University and received an explanation from the Vice Rector about the roles and activities of the University. (Shogo Yoshida)
