Xian East Asia Youth Forum September 2014

 Twenty best and brightest Japanese students joined their counterparts from China and Republic of Korea in Xian, China, from 15 to 19 September and held a symposium and model United Nations meetings. It is sponsored jointly by the UN Associations of Japan, China and Republic of Korea and follows the fourth forum held in Sapporo last year. The students recognized the importance of universal values and principles and demonstrated their originality and commitment to promoting harmony and partnership in East Asia.


UNA Presidents of Japan, China and Republic of Korea Meet in Xian, China, September 2014

 On 16 September 2014, the Presidents of the United Nations Association of Japan, China and Republic of Korea met in Xian, Shaanxi Province in China, along with the representatives of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA). They held candid exchanges of their views on the topics of “the Thoughts of Lao Tzu and the Harmony & Prosperity of East Asia”, “Buddhism Exchanges in East Asia during the Tang Dynasty” and “Prospects of Peace Building Operations and Humanitarian Challenges Ahead”.


Khalid Malik Explains 2014 Human Development Report Theme

 2014 Human Development Report was launched on 24 July 2014 at the UN University in Tokyo following opening remarks by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark and JICA President Akihiko Tanaka. Mr. Khalid Malik, Director of the Human Development Report Office introduced 2014 Human Development Report and pointed out the need to reduce vulnerabilities and to build resilience throghout the world.


Hasegawa Presents Draft Chapter on Japan and the United Nations

 An authors’ workshop was held in Sapporo, Hokkaido on 22 and 23 July in preparation for publication of a book, “Japan and the Developing World: Sixty Years of Japan’s Foreign Aid and the Post 2015 Agenda.” At this workshop organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa presented his draft chapter on “Japan and the United Nations: Its Past, Present and Future.”


JCK Youth Forum Orientation Seminar Sponsored by the UN Association of Japan

 From 18 to 20 July, an orientation seminar was held at the Tokyo Olympic Memorial Center in Tokyo for 20 students who are participating in the Xi`a tripartite youth seminar in mid-September. The students received briefings and lectures from Mr. Yasushi Akashi, vice-president of the UN association of Japan, Ambassador Kenzo Oshima, member of the Japan nuclear regulatory commission, Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto, Director of the UNU institute for advanced study of sustainability, Professor Katsuhiko Mori of the International Christian University as well as Professor Tatsuro Kunugi and Ms. Kim Kumi of the UN association of Japan. The seminar was directed by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa and Mr. Sho Tsuyuki.


Serbian Ambassador Nenad Glišić Speaks on Serbia`s EU Accession and Kosovo Issues

 We had an honor to welcome His Excellency, Mr. Nenad Glišić, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbiato speak at a seminar organized by the Japan Academic Council on International Peacebuilding (JACIP) on July 12, 2014.Ambassador delivered a lecture entitled “Serbia’s challenge in light of its special emphasis on the Kosovo issue.” (Takaya Furukawa, Hosei University Sophomore Student)


Gakushuin Women`s College Professors and Students Visit UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva

 From 29 April to 5 May 2014, two professors and four students of the Gakushuin Women`s College visited the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations and received a series of briefings from their officials and retired former international civil servants. The group consisted of Professors Takafumi Nakajima and Daizo Sakurai along with Miss Nozomi Matsuo, Mariko Migita, Fumika Tahara and Saya Yamaguchi.


Professor Hasegawa Speaks to ASEAN Peace and Reconciliation Institute Symposium in Manila

 At the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Professor Hasegawa, accompanied by Hirotaka Kawakami, participated in the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) symposium on peace and reconciliation processes and initiatives, held in Manila on April 7 and 8, 2014. The participants were Ambassadors/Permanent Representatives to ASEAN and senior diplomats from each member country, and renowned scholars and practitioners were invited as guest speakers. The symposium coincided with the recently concluded Bangsamoro agreement between the Philippines government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and accordingly the key figures in the peace process also joined to present their perspectives and learned lessons. Professor Hasegawa made a presentation on rules-based and situational leadership approaches to inter-state dispute management and resolution, by sharing his experience and reflection to serve Timor-Leste as Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG). After his presentations, he received several questions regarding the efficacy of resorting to international law in resettling territorial issues. (Hirotaka Kawakami, Program Associate, Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center)


Timorese Finance Minister Visits Japan Forum on International Relations

 On 14 March, Timorese Finance Minister Emilia Pires visited the secretariat of the Japan Forum on International Relations and met with Mr. Kaoru Ishikawa, Senior Executive Director. Mr. Ishikawa informed the Minister about the role played by Japan Forum in fostering exchange of views on current international issues, while Minister Pires explained about the g7+ group of fragile countries aimed at self-reliance and cooperation.


Timor-Leste Finance Minister Emilia Pires Speaks About Post-2015 MDGs

 On 14 March 2014, Timor-Leste Finance Minister Emilia Pires, who was member the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, explained how the new development goals were established with inclusion of the need for good governance and effective institutions as well as stable and peaceful societies as 10th and 11th goals of new MDGs. In her conversation with Rector David Malone of the UN University, she also provided detailed accounts of peace and state building challenges faced by Timor-Leste and other conflict prone countries. She emphasized the need to hold genuine partnership between host and donor countries by asking that the donor and partner countries talk “nothing about us, without us.”


Minister Agio Pereira Explains Second Maubere-Miracle

 Minister Agio Pereira of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Timor-Leste provided an article that explains the administrative pre-decentralisation structure which will signal “the beginning of the second maubere miracle” for the people of the country. The article may be accessed through the following website.



UN University Holds Library Talk

 On 3 March, the UN University Library held its first library talk on the book, Primordial Leadership: Peacebuilding and National Ownership written by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa. Ambassador Isilio da Silva of Timor-Leste pointed out the significance of five key attributes of leadership that contributed to successful peacebuilding in Timor-Leste. The Ambassador was followed by several other discussants that included Mr. Ken Inoue, former Director for Governance Support, UNMIT, Mr. Takakazu Ito, Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Field Support (DFS), New York, Katsumi Ishizuka, Professor, Kyoei University, Professor Miko Maekawa of Osaka University, Ms. Seiko Toyama, International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office and Mr. Satoru Miyazawa, UNHCR.


Shogo Yoshida Entering Graduate School at the University of Tokyo (3 March 2014)

 Mr. Shogo Yoshida, former student of Professor Hasegawa’s seminar class (2013), is accepted by the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (Todai) for his study in the Human Security. He will be enrolled in the international relations course with major in International Social Science. We congratulate Shogo on this accomplishment and wish him all the best in his graduate school study at the Todai.


Toyama and Yoshida Speak About Sudan and Human Secuirty (1 March 2014)

 On 1 March 2014, Ms. Seiko Toyama of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters of the Cabinet Office and Mr. Shogo Yoshida, Candidate for Tokyo University Graduate School made their presentations. Ms. Toyama mentioned UN peacekeeping missions in Africa, particularly in UNMISS in South Sudan. She also explained the role played by the Japan Self-Defense Forces personnel. Mr. Yoshida presented his bachelor thesis on the possibility for the concept of human security being reflected within the framework of existing UN peacekeeping activities, using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the peacekeeping operations in Timor-Leste. Moreover, he adverted to his draft of research proposal for the master’s course.


[PRAJ] Uchiyama Elected Secretary-General by General Assembly of the Peacebuilding Research Association (1 March 2014)

 On 1 March 2014, the General Assembly of the Peacebuilding Research Association held at Hosei University adopted its constitution and elected Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama as its new Secretary General. The General Assembly also elected five members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Katsumi Ishizuka, Mr. Satoru Kurosawa, Ms. Chika Saito, Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa and Mr. Takaaki Mizuno. Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa was voted to continue as the President of the Association.


[Kurosawa seminar] Kurosawa Seminar Successfully Has Finished its Study and Activities (Professor Kurosawa) (9 January 2014)

 The final Kurosawa seminar class was held on 9 January 2014. In the 4th period, Professor Kurosawa gave some important presentations to seminar students. At first, he explained about international contributions by Japanese then he referred to the structure of United Nations’ staff. After that, he showed some models to start working for the United Nations and explained some important preparations needed to work for the UN. In addition, he pointed out some fundamental skills as a member of Japanese society.
 In the first half of the 5th period, Professor Kurosawa mentioned former Yugoslavia conflict, using some movies, pictures and news. He elaborated that this conflict was tripartite conflict by Croats, Muslim and Serbs. There were various opinions regarding causes of the conflict, but one of them was fear of genocide by other ethnic groups and self-protection.
 Finally, all seminar students commented impressions and playbacks looking back the Kurosawa seminar’s activities of this year. Then the students presented their study reports to Professor Kurosawa.
 After the seminars, seminar students and Professor Kurosawa enjoyed the last diner together. (Yasuki Uchiyama)


Hasegawa Seminar Students Hold OB/OG Reunion Dinner (7 December 2013)

 On 7 December 2013, Professor Hasegawa`s former students numbering as many as 46 gathered together at Place de Nostalgie table for a reunion dinner. Many came from outside of Tokyo, including Mr. Soichiro Hirabayashi who came from the southern island of Kyushu. The reunion meeting was organized by Ms. Sayuri Maruyama and Mr. Keiki Takemasa of the 6th Year Seminar Class. Each class students spoke about what they are doing after graduation from Hosei University. Mr. Yusuke Noda who is currently studying at University of Sussex in England addressed the group by a video message. Many of the participants went to a follow-on dinner after the formal reunion. (Yasuki Uchiyama)
