Happy New Year (1st January 2015)

 Dear former students of the Seminar Class. With the arrival of the New Year, I thank you for all your contributions in ideas and efforts to make fruitful our learning of life. I hope you are blessed with sunshine of laughter, new beam of energy and raindrops of happiness as you step into another brand New Year. May the New Year give you the strength to face the new challenges of life and courage to adjust your sail so as to take every situation to your stride. I wish you all the best and happiness. (Sukehiro Hasegawa)


UN academic councils of Japan, China and Korea hold its annual seminar at Doshisha University in Kyoto (12th-14th December 2014)

 The 14th East Asian Seminar on the UN System was opened by Professor Keiko Oizumi of the Japan Association for UN Studies (JAUNS), Ambassador Chen Jian, President of the China Academic Net for UN Studies (CANUNS) and former Foreign Minister Han Sung Joo, Chairman of the Korea Academic Council on the UN System (KACUNS) on 13 December 2014 at Doshisha University in Kyoto.


Ishizuka appointed Secretary-General of PRAJ (6th December 2014)

 At its annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Peacebuilding Research Association of Japan (PRAJ) on 6th December 2014, Professor Katsumi Ishizuka of Kyoei University was appointed as the Secretary-General of PRAJ. He had earlier been appointed as acting Secretary-General after the departure of Mr. Yasuki Uchiyama for his study in England. Professor Ishizuka teaches in the Department of International Business Management at Kyoei University, Japan. He obtained a PhD at Keele University, England, in 2000. His research interests include UN peacekeeping operations and peace-building. He wrote several books including “The History of Peace-building in East Timor” (New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India, 2010). The General Assembly of PRAJ re-elected Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa as its President, and it also approved that Professors Satoru Kurosawa and Takaaki Mizuno continue in office as members on the Board of Directors. Then, the Assembly elected Professors Daisaku Higashi, Eiji Oyamada and Masako Yonekawa to the new directors.


Successfully Finishes the OB/OG Reunion Dinner (29th November 2014)

 On 29 November 2014, an annual OB/OG reunion dinner was held at cafe carat. This year, it was organized by Ms. Minako Ishikawa and Ms. Yui Narikawa who are the seventh year students of the Hasegawa seminar. 34 former students kindly came and enjoyed this party. As usual, they introduced themselves and talked to each other about their recent activities. After that, Professor Hasegawa gave a presentation about his activities in 2014 as well as some messages to seminar students. He kindly mentioned the way how to survive such a globalized competitive society and how to get happiness. We also decided that the next reunion party will be held by the second year students of the seminar. All of us seemed to enjoy the dinner and miss the days of seminar activities with Professor Hasegawa. (Minako Ishikawa)


Hasegawa Seminar Graduates had a reunion in Nakameguro, Tokyo (29th November 2014)

 On 29th November 2014, a class union of the Hasegawa seminar class held its annual reunion in the café carat of Nakameguro, Tokyo. This party was organized mainly by Ms. Narikawa and Ms. Ishikawa who are the seventh year students of the Hasegawa seminar class. More than thirty graduates and Professor Hasegawa participated in the event. They talked about not only their good old days but also their present situation. After a pleasant chat, Professor Hasegawa made a speech entitled “How to overcome the global competitive society and how to be happy: Looking back on my activities in 2014”. He suggested that we know ourselves, especially termini ad quem of our self-actualization, with the phrases by Lao Tzu, Son Tzu and Confucius as well as Immanuel Kant. Finally, he gave us a lot of his favorite ties. As for the next class union, the second year students of the seminar will play a central role in planning and organizing. We are looking forward to your next participation and a happy reunion. (Shogo Yoshida)


Professor Hasegawa speaks at the Seoul International Conference on Peacekeeping Operations (13th November 2014)

 The 2014 PKO International Conference was held at Sookmyung Women`s University Centennial Memorial Hall on 13 November 2014. At the conference organize by the Korea Peacekeeping Operations Center, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Korea AcaSedemic Council on the United Nations System, Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa spoke about the implications of financial, troop and civilian contributions made by Japan to UN peacekeeping operations since Japan became the member of the United Nations in 1956.


Professor Higashi of Tokyo University Presents “Japan’s Contribution to UN’s Peacebuilding Policy” (8th November 2014)

 Professor Daisaku Higashi, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Research Center of Sustainable Peace at the Institute of Advanced Global Studies, University of Tokyo, shared his experiences and thoughts on the importance of ensuring inclusivity in rebuilding states and also gave an overview of the activities of the Peace Building Commission. (Emmi Okada)


Professor Hasegawa Chairs SML Panel on Peace Mission Leadership in Cairo, Egypt

 Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa chaired a panel discussion on the senior mission leadership held on 22 October in Cairo, Egypt. Funded by the Government of Japan, the 9th AU Senior Mission Leadership (SML) course was organized by the African Union and hosted by the Cairo Regional Centre for Training on Conflict Resolution & Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA). As a mentor, Professor Hasegawa also delivered lectures on peace mission leadership, perspective of a SRCC, integrated mission planning and peacebuilding mission during his stay in Cairo for five days.


UNU Library Talk on the UN Security Council’s role as a Global Legislator (10th October 2014)

 The Fourth Library Talk was opened by UNU’s Library Chief Mayako Matsui and chaired by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa. Dr. Vesselin Popovski then outlined some key shifts that have taken place in the legislative, executive and judiciary roles of the UN Security Council since the end of the Cold War which are taken up in the new volume “The Security Council as Global Legislator”, edited by himself and Trudy Fraser (Routledge, 2014). (Emmi Okada, UNU Junior Fellow)


Rwanda Ambassador Murigande Explains Progress Made in 20 Years after the Genocide

 Mr. Charles Murigande, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda spoke at a seminar organized by the Japan Academic Association for International Peace Building held at Hosei University on September 27, 2014. In presenting his speech entitled “Rwanda 20 Years after the genocide”, Ambassador Murigande emphasized that Rwanda had been able to build one of the most stable and safest countries in Sub-Sahara Africa. (Mina Honda)


[NOTICE] Role of the UN Security Council as a Global Legislator

 The United Nations University will hold a library talk on 10 October to discuss a newly published book, “Security Council as Global Legislator”, edited by Vesselin Popovski and Trudy Fraser (Routledge, 2014). The book will be introduced by Dr. Vesselin Popovski and commented by UNU Rector, Dr. David Malone. The meeting will be chaired by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa.


Welcome back Ambassador Hanada

 Mr. Yoshitaka Hanada (花田 吉隆) has just returned to Japan having completed his assignment as Japanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste for nearly three years from October 2011 to August 2014. He held a conversation with Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste (May 2004~September 2006). Ambassador Hanada discussed economic progress and other improvements made in Timor-Leste as well as challenges faced by the country.
