【ゼミ活動】1月11日 本年度最後の授業を行いました


1月11日 ゼミ長選挙結果
ゼミ長・国際政治学科2年 野田悠将
副ゼミ長・政治学科2年高橋孝太朗 政治学科2年田口亜美 政治学科2年 加藤美翔 国際政治学科2年 三須純スウネ



Leaders Elected for Seminar Management

Mr. Yusuke Noda has been re-elected as Head of the Hasegawa Seminar Management Board for the first six months of the 2011 academic year at Hosei University. He will run the seminar class along with four vice presidents. Vice presidents are Kotaro Takahashi, Mika Kato, Ami Taguchi, Jun sune Misu.








Downes Explains SSR
During his presentation, at first Mr. Downes introduced the concept of SSR and its link to development. Then he explained the history and evolution of the concept. Security is fundamental to reducing poverty, protecting human rights and supporting sustainable development. Moreover, security and development are inherently linked. For example, there is no person who will invest in a shop which always suffers for robbery. According to Mr. Downes, there is no fixed definition for security sector. It has various definitions such as those of AU, ECOWAS, OECD and the UN. However, it can be classified in four types, i.e. State Providers, Non-State Providers, State Oversight, and Non-State Oversight. SSR is a nationally owned process aimed at ensuring that security providers must be 1) accountable to its state and its people, 2) effective, efficient and affordable, 3) respective of international norms, standards and human rights, and 4) legitimate. The key characteristics of the SSR are: One approach (local ownership), Two objectives (effectiveness and accountability), and Three dimensions (political sensitivity, technical complexity and holistic nature). The definition of the SSR is not universal but should have different approach if the system is different.
During the question and answer session, Mr. Downes referred to his experience in Yugoslavia and explained what were exactly the problems and what should to be done in the field of the SSR. He said the most important mission goals were building the people’s trust by, for example, establishing a multi-ethnic police unit of police personnel patrolling without carrying any weapons, changing its symbol to the neutral one, and making a window for the people to be able to approach and complain. (Kotaro Takahashi)