UN Volunteers building peace over the years: reflections of Sukehiro Hasegawa | UNV (22/07/2021)


As UNV turns 50, we feature an interview with Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Deputy Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme from 1987 to 1993. Mr Hasegawa helped transform UNV from primarily a community development organization into a strong partner for UN peacekeeping efforts. Find out more about Mr Hasegawa’s reflections on our mandate, work and partners 30 years ago.


UN Special Envoy for Myanmar, Christine Bergner, met on May 26, 2021, with former UN Special Representatives and Japanese Ambassadors at the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center in Tokyo. During her stay in Tokyo, the UN Special Envoy also met with Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi and Senior Political Leaders ETO Seishiro, AISAWA Ichiro and NAKAGAWA Masaharu. (25/07/2021)


UN Secretary-General`s Special Envoy for Myanmar Christine Bergner met with Yasushi AKASHI (Former SRSG for Cambodia, former Yugoslavia) Sukehiro HASEGAWA (Former SRSG for Timor-Leste) Tadamichi YAMAMOTO (Former SRSG for Afghanistan) at the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center on the Tokyo Gaien Campus on May 26, 2021. Former Japanese Ambassadors to the United Nations, Kenzo OSHIMA, Takahiro SNINYO and Toshiya HOSHINO also participated in the meeting along with Mr. Takahiro NIWA, Chairman of the Council of the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center.


The Japanese parliament, known as Diet, condemned on June 8, 2021 the coup d’état staged by the Tatmadaw – the Burmese military. (08/06/2021)


During his online conversation with Japanese diplomats and scholars, former President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos-Horta praised Japan for upholding the principle of democratic governance. He was referring to the resolution passed by the Lower House on June 8, 2021, which condemned the coup d’état staged by the Myanmar military. The resolution, adopted by a majority vote in the Lower House, demanded early restoration of democratic governance in Myanmar.


The Advisory Statement and Recommendations on Myanmar addressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Toshimitsu MOTEGI was drawn up by three former SRSGs, Yasushi AKASHI (Cambodia and Former Yugoslavia), Sukehiro HASEAWA (Timor-Leste), Tadamichi YAMAMOTO (Afghanistan) and three Japanese Ambassadors to the United Nations, Kenzo OSHIMA (2004~2007), Takahiro SHINYO (2006~2008) and Toshiya HOSHINO (2017~2020).


Please click here for the Advisory Statement and Recommendations.


In his keynote address to the conference of Japanese parliamentary members` peace forum in Tokyo, David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, drew a parallel between the UN emerging after World War II as a replacement of the League of Nations, and Japan replacing the failed leadership of the country in the same time period. Malone concluded that the Tokyo parliamentary peace forum can be useful in advancing the debate on actions that needed to be taken to address global crises and challenges.


 David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secre…


Arbenita Sopaj visits Tokyo and has a Lunch Meeting at Arabian Restaurant with Board Members, Elizabeth Gamarra, Ken Inoue and Sukehiro Hasegawa on how to cope with expanding GPAJ membership. (01/10/2020)


GPAJ Member, Arbenita Sopaj visited Tokyo from Kobe University this week. Arbenita has been an active member of GPAJ as one of the moderators for the zoom conference on “The Impact of the UN Intervention on Contemporary Kosovo” featuring Ambassador Leon Malazogu and others. She held an informal lunch with Sukehiro Hasegawa, President of GPAJ, Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Elizabeth Gamarra, member of the GPAJ Board.


Zhang Guihong:Future International Cooperation should pay More Attention to Human Security, Dignity, Equality and Freedom (23/09/2020)


In his article just published by China Daily on September 23, Director of the Research Center for United Nations and International Organizations of Fudan University, Professor Zhang Guihong, who is member of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan, recognizes the UN has a unique advantage in promoting universal values as well as global norms and ethics. Please click here for his full article.


Farewell Lunch for Former Vice President Mio Sato (20/09/2020)


GPAJ Vice President Mio Sato will be appointed as IOM Office Director in Pakistan next month, and her successor, GPAJ Vice President Kumagai, organized a farewell lunch. It was most enjoyable to have eight members get together at the restaurant for the first time in a long time and talk to each other directly. Yumiko Kaneko, a UNDP staff in the Philippines and a GPAJ member, joined us. From right: Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Mio Sato, Director of IOM, Takaaki Mizuno, Professor of Kanda University of International Studies, Keiichi Tanabe, Professor of Tokai University, Yumiko Kaneko, UNDP staff, Sukehiro Hasegawa, GPAJ President, and Naoko Kumagai, Vice President and Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University.


With Grandchildren, Kenji and Alisah (01/08/2020)


Last week flying from Narita to Zurich, I successfully entered Switzerland. Visited my son, Stefan Hiroshi, and his family in Geneva. Later this week, my wife and I will try to enter Germany to meet our second daughter, Corinne, who has lost her husband recently and her two children. Here is a photo of my grandchildren Kenji and Alisah.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s view on COVID-19 and the role of WHO (25/05/2020)


(日本語) 安倍総理大臣は、新型コロナウイルスへの対応をめぐり、米中関係の対立が深まっているなか、日本は、WHOの総会において、公平で独立した包括的な検証を行うべきであるという決議案をEUや豪州等と協力をして提出をし、米国や中国も合意したと述べた。そして、日本は自由、民主主義、基本的人権、法の支配といった普遍的な価値を共有する国々と手を携えながら、国際社会での重要な役割、責任を果たしていく意向を示した。(記者会見に関しては、首相官邸のウエッブサイトを参照して下さい。)


At the General Assembly of the Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, Dr. Keizo TAKEMI, adviser of the LDP’s Corona Countermeasures Headquarters, and the UHC Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed his views on the importance of international cooperation. (12/05/2020)


Dr. TAKEMI who is also Chairman of the Federation of Western Pacific Parliamentarians said that all nations must work together on issues common interest to the international community such as infectious diseases, and to establish an institutional framework for collaboration in order to contribute to global governance in the future.