[Seminar] Cold War, Nuclear Weapons and Humanitarian Interventions (8th May 2012)

 On 8th May 2012, the Human Rights Group made a presentation on chapter 5 and chapter 6 of Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: an Introduction to Theory and History by Joseph Nye, Jr. and David Welch. The presenters of chapter 5, Yuko Honda and Yuka Narikawa explained the history of The Cold War in terms of 3 stages and the effect of nuclear weapons played in keeping the Cold War from becoming real war. Then, Daiki Kawabe and Mai Kato on behalf of Mai Uchida presented the main theme of Chapter 6 and explained nationalism as the main cause of international disputes. The students then discussed in four groups the implications of external intervention in internal disputes of a sovereign country. (Jieun Park)


[Seminar] The third class, carefully read “International Conflicts” Chapter3 and Chapter4 (24th April 2012)

 Today, the third seminar of this year was held in 4th and 5th period. During 4th period, we used “Understanding International Conflicts”. Two members from the Development and Economic group explained chapter 3: Balance of Power and the cause of WWI. In 5th period, another two presenters from the group explained collective security and WWⅡ.(Sayuri Maruyama)


[Seminar] The First Class of Hasegawa’s Seminar was held and carefully read “International Conflict” Chapter 2 (10th April 2012)

 Today, the first seminar of this year was held in 4th and 5th period. During 4th period, we had to explain the programs for this year and how to write in process. We believe that the end of the study tour will be during the summer vacation. After that, the research skill improvement program was held. From the program, we learned how to give presentation,discussion and ask good questions.
During 5th period, peace-building groups gave presentations about chapter 2 of “International Dispute”written by Joseph S. Nye Jr.
The presenter explained the cause of conflict in 3 phases; individual,national and international community with the case of war in Iraq. Also, we studied the paradigm of political philosophy through the history of Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna. (Mai Kato)


[Seminar] Exciting Tennis Matches between the Seminar Members — the 3rd day of the Spring Camp (2nd April 2012)

 On 2nd April 2012, all of the seminar students were divided into three groups: the human rights group, the development economics group and the peace-building group, and each group determined their annual plan this year. Through all programs of that training camp, they could image a series of the seminar class and their motivation could be uplifted. After that, they moved to the tennis courts by car, and played tennis. First, they played the one-on-one matches. The most of the games were seesaw game, and Professor Hasegawa was a very good tennis player. At last, Misa Komine won the victory. Moreover, they also played mixed doubles. However they couldn’t finish it because of lack of time. Next, they came back to the hotel again and took their luggage then went to the station. They headed to Shinjuku by bus and they said goodbye.
 The past three days, they had a great time to learn many things and deepened ties with the members of the Hasegawa seminar. (Misa Komine)


[Seminar] Insightful Presentations about “The Problems of Philosophy”– the 2nd day of the Spring Camp (1st April 2012)

 On 1st April 2012, all of the seminar students analyzed themselves with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the morning. Then they watched the “Justice with Michael Sandel”, and discussed what would be the right thing to do if we had to choose either (1) killing one person to save the other five people or (2) doing nothing. After the lunch, they took some memorial photos in front of the Lake Kawaguchi, and then new sophomores made their presentations about “The Problems of Philosophy”. As the result of their scoring on the presentations, Mai Uchida was awarded the first prize. After the supper, they discussed where to go as their study trip in this summer vacation, yet they couldn’t reach an agreement. Finally, they had a little party. It was a precious time to know each other. (Kohei Yokota)


[Seminar] Introduction to the Hasegawa Seminar — the 1st day of the Spring Camp (31st March 2012)

 On 31st March 2012, all of the seminar students and Professor Hasegawa went to Kawaguchiko for training camp. Between 13:00 and 14:00, they checked the time table of the training camp and the annual schedule of the seminar class this year. After that, each section: general affair section, website and minutes section, study trip section, public relations section and class management section, explained their works and introduce themselves. After 16:00, they decided the role of each member dividing into groups. Later, Professor Hasegawa talked on leadership between 17:00 and 17:45. After the supper, Shogo Yoshida and Keiki Takemasa made the presentations on how to write a thesis and to make a presentation. Finally, Professor Hasegawa gave the lecture about “international conflicts”. (Keiki Takemasa)


[Seminar] 長谷川ゼミ幹部会 (30th March 2012)

 3月30日に長谷川ゼミの幹部会が開かれ、現ゼミ長の丸山小百合、副ゼミ長の中仙道舞と吉田翔悟に加え、顧問 中本優太と野田悠将が参加した。ここでは、河口湖で3月31日から4月2日まで開かれるゼミ合宿の内容と今後の方向性を協議した。また、中本優太より、2011年度 卒業生を代表して、長谷川先生へ記念品が手渡された。 (野田悠将)


[Seminar] Study Group on UN Peace Operations (18th February 2012)

 On February 18, 2012, a study group on UN peace operations held its session and heard three speakers: Mr. Hideki Hayashi, Ms. Nadia Wang and Mr. Hiroshi Matsumoto. First, Mr. Hideki Hayashi, captain of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, explained the growing importance of “Protection of Civilians (POC)” in PKO. Through his presentation, I think Japan should participate in POC and do overseas deployment of troops more. However, I understand there are some domestic problems such as constitutional interpretation. Second, Ms. Nadia Wang presented “Climate Change, Global Justice, and Democracy”. She said there were different opinions about the notion of responsibility for global warming or greenhouse gases between developing country and developed one. Professor Hasegawa explained the key phrase which was “common but differentiated responsibility”. Each country has each claim but I felt we should have consciousness for global citizens. Finally, Mr. Hiroshi Matsumoto, worked at Japan Action for Relief Center and Japan Center for Conflict Prevention spoke about Japan’s role in addressing humanitarian and other global issues. He said Japan should become a country which is respected by other countries in the future. To achieve that, Japan should extend helping to the world although Japan is also suffering from the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster of 3.11. (Yasuki Uchiyama and Yui Narikawa)


[Seminar] Head and Two Vice-Heads of Hasegawa Seminar Class Elected for the First Half of New Year, 2012 (10th Jan 2012)

 On 10th January 2012, in the last seminar class of the year 2011, there was an election of head and vice-heads of the Prof. Hasegawa seminar class for their term of first six months of 2012. As a result of the voting, Sayuri Maruyama was elected as the Head, and Shogo Yoshida and Mai Nakasendo as the Vice-Heads. The new executive team expressed their appreciation of honor accorded to them. They also pledged to provide good environment for each member of the seminar to be able to contribute to the seminar and to work hard together. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] Critical Issues of Security Sector Reform in South Sudan (January 10th 2012)

 On 10th January 2012, in the final seminar class of the year 2011, Dr. Mark Dowens, an officer in the Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and Mr. Dylan Hendrickson, King’s College London, delivered us a lecture on the critical issues of Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict countries. In their lecture, they explained SSR systems with the case in South Sudan. Also some graduate students in the HOSEI University and some undergraduate students in the department of Global Interdisciplinary Studies took part in this class. (Soichiro Hirabayashi)


[Seminar]2011年12月20日 長谷川ゼミ忘年会 -2012年に向けて、更なる親交を深める-

 After the seminar on 20th December 2011, Professor Hasegawa and members of the Prof. Hasegawa Seminar gave a year-end party in the Uotami in Iidabashi, Tokyo. In this party, we cheerfully looked back on the affairs this year in our seminar and promoted more deeply mutual friendship among us over a drink. We’re eager to work much harder in a body, so please treat us next year as well as you did this year. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] 2011年12月20日 人権班によるプレゼン、防衛省の林秀樹一等海佐様によるご講義

 2011年12月20日(火)のゼミ活動では、4限に次期ゼミ長候補者の選出と人権班によるプレゼンテーション「開発と人権-日本のODA-」が行われました。人権班はスマトラ島・コタパンジャンダムとフィリピン・バダンガス島を事例として挙げ、日本政府による開発援助(ODA)が引き起こした人権問題や、人権基盤アプローチについて述べ、解決策を提案しました。5限は防衛省 林秀樹一等海佐をお招きし、「自衛隊が実施した国際平和協力の20年」をテーマにご講義頂きました。初めに林一等海佐は、日本の国際平和協力の最初の事例である、1991年に海上自衛隊によって行われたペルシャ湾機雷掃海派遣をご説明され、その後、自衛隊における国際平和協力活動の主要な3つの分野、「国際緊急援助」「国際平和協力業務」「海賊対処」について事例ごとに活動の変移やエピソードなどをまじえご紹介下さいました。最後に、林一等海佐は日本独自の支援スタイルである「現地目線の支援」は、情緒的一体感を求める日本人の人となりから来るものであり、今後、日本が支援を継続する上で失ってはならないものであると述べられました。(中仙道舞)


[Seminar] 2011年12月13日 平和構築班によるプレゼン、小山田英治教授による「Global Justice, aid and good governance」の講義

 On December 13th, the Peace Building Group made a presentation to answer “What is the peace for the future?” After the presentation, Mr. Eiji Koyama, a professor of Doshisha University, delivered a lecture on “Global justice, aid and good governance.” First the Peace building group talked about UN Peace Keeping Operations (UNPKO), compared to the ideas of realism and liberalism. The theme was peace by balance of power. After this, the group analyzed peace keeping based on UNPKO. They did this by explaining UNPKO step by step, and talking about issues and activities during the operations. After the presentation, Professor Eiji Koyama gave a lecture about “Global justice, aid and good governance.” Professor Koyama mentioned problems like “reduction poverty” and a variety of developing countries’ problems due to government corruption. Next, he explained what good and bad governance is with some examples based on his experience. Finally, he emphasized rules of good governance in this lecture. (Minshik KIM)


[Seminar]12月6日 環境班によるプレゼンテーションと藤村建夫様による御講義

 On December 6th, the Environment group made a presentation on the COP17 and Mr. Tatsuo Fujimura, Chairman of the Myanmar-Japan Eco-tourism, delivered us a lecture on the present situation in Myanmar. Firstly, the Environment group explained the transition of the concepts of environment among the international society, the history of the COP, and the challenges of the Kyoto protocol and the COP17. After their presentation, we discussed which the better way is for the next agreement, the top down or the pledge and review. Next, Mr. Fujimura lectured on the situation of politics, economy and eco-tourism in Myanmar. He explained the overview and role of the eco-tourism. And he also mentioned the history, new politics system and situation of economy in Myanmar. (Kana Hashimoto)


[Seminar]11月29日 「開発経済班の学べる国際貿易講座」とJames Greenさんによるご講義

 On November 29th, the Development and Economy group made a presentation on UNCTAD, and Mr. James made his presentation on the 2011 London riots. Firstly, the group explained the background and activities of the UNCTAD, then Kim gave in details the optimistic view based on the theory of comparative advantage, and Iijima showed the pessimistic view based on the Keynesian economics. Additionally, Kodatsu mentioned South-South cooperation. After their presentation, Mr. James, a member of the Daiwa Scholars 2011, came and made his presentation on the London riot in 2011. He gave us a comprehensive piece of information about the riot. He also emphasized that there were many riots in London historically. (Dona Jung)


[Seminar] <Autumn Training Camp> Discussion towards the Improvement of Seminar Management (November 27th)

 On November 27th, as a part of the training camp programe of the Hasegawa Seminar, we had a discussion on seminar management for the future, and enjoyed hiking and BBQ. In order to improve our seminar, we talked with senior members about the following: comprehensive seminar management, how to manage the seminar class, the next study-tour and seminar camp, and valuation of the class. (Lena Kondo)


[Seminar]<Autumn Training Camp> Shogo Yoshida Lectured How to Write a Paper (November 26th)

 On November 26th, Shogo Yoshida, one of the members of the Hasegawa Seminar, delivered a lecture on the way to write a paper. Firstly, as an introductory part, I remarked on the essence of the paper such as what research and writing are, the meaning of telling own outcome to someone else, and the flowchart to write own paper. Secondly, as a practical part, I told the following: how to have awareness of the issues, what the themes of own paper and how to form own paper. Thirdly, as an applied part, I mentioned the main points of the valuation bases and what copyright is. Finally, as a Q&A part, some students asked me several question. And we also discussed how we can write much better papers. Though my lecture, I really hope they make more efforts to write papers hardly and highly. (Shogo Yoshida)


[Seminar] 2011年11月1日 新ゼミ生を選抜する面接

 On November 1st, Professor Hasegawa and the seminar members had interviews with candidates for new students of the seminar. Professor and the seminar students asked some questions based on their principles which goes “we recruit students who can take initiatives with a leadership and have good academic skills.” We asked the candidates about papers which they wrote, their awareness of world issues, where they would like to go on a study tour next year, and so forth. They are going to be evaluated by all seminar students and professor with fairness. In the interviews, freshmen answered questions passionately. It was, therefore, the great opportunity to remind what we thought when we had applied to enter the seminar.(Takato Usui)


[Diplomacy] 2011年10月26日 日本と中国の外交関係

On October 26 2011, Professor Hasegawa firstly showed us a video about diplomatic relations between Japan and China in his class on “Foreign Policy”. Contents of the video were dual diplomacy related to Senkaku Islands and meetings between heads of China forces and former heads of Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Then, Professor Hasegawa’s guest gave her comment, and students gave their opinion about given questions and we discussed it. (Jieun Park)


[Seminar] 2011年10月18日 人権班による死刑制度についてのプレゼンテーション

 On October 18th, the human rights group members made several presentations on the Capital Punishment. Firstly, they explained the old theory and European thoughts. Secondly, they picked up some treaties and the problems. To think about it, there is the question, “There any norm above laws?” they also explained it. Lastly, they talked about the contemporary thoughts of the capital punishment and the four main points at the issue. After the presentation, we had the discussion time and made 4 parties to make the manifesto about Capital Punishment in Japan. (Nanami Ito)
