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 More than six months have passed since Mr. Kit Kitatani passed away. I recently met Mrs Akiko Kitatani. She is over 90 years old but very healthy, speak clearly and walk well. Please join me in wishing her continued good health and happiness throughout New Year 2019.


Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan explains the importance of sports in resolving conflicts and building peace (01/12/2018)


 HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Generations for Peace met with GPAJ President Sukehiro Hasegawa, Vice President Mio Sato and Secretary General Masakuni Tanimoto and explained the activities of the Generation for Peace (GFP) since it was founded as a peace-through-sport initiative of the Jordan Olympic Committee in 2007.


At ASEAN regional forum meeting in China, Professor Takaaki Mizuno of Kanda University of International Studies asserted top leaders’ mutual visit as a model case of Preventive Diplomacy. (29/11/2018)


 Mizuno considers China and Japan have managed potential risk of getting into the Thucydides trap so far and at least have taken tangible steps to build a minimum trust and mutual understanding by agreeing the resumption of visits by the leaders of both countries after a long hiatus.


Paris Peace Forum: Thank you, Dr. Richard J. Ponzio, for Joseph Schwartzberg`s book, Transforming the United Nations System. (13/11/2018)


 Ponzio says: Between now and 2020 (the UN’s 75th anniversary), I am working with partner organizations to advance the recommendations of the Albright-Gambari Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, including in the areas of “coping with violent conflict & state fragility”, “climate & people”, “governing the hyperconnected global economy”, and “UN and broader global governance reforms.” For further details, please visit:


Paris Peace Forum: Dr. Sharei, Executive Director of the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research explains the possibility of reviewing the UN Charter by resorting to Article 109, while Hasegawa calls for transformation of the global system just as the Japanese leaders transformed the governance structure of Japan during the Meiji Revolution. (12/11/2018)


 Sharei and Hasegawa engaged in debate on how the Charter review process can be started, while Francisco Plancarte, a Mexican lawyer and long-time promoter of UN transformation according to Art. 109 called for the creation of a global parliament.


French President Emmanuel Macron joined by German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the Paris Peace Forum and called for international solidarity. (11/11/2018)


 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau along with several other heads of state and government listened as Merkel, Macron and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres spoke about the importance of the U.N. and other multilateral institutions to address global problems.


Visit to Padrão dos Descobrimentos in Lisbon (11/10/2018)

 My dear friend, Mr. Victor Angelo, took me and my wife to this impressive monument on the edge of the river leading to the Atlantic Ocean. It is dedicated to the 15th to 16th century Age of Discovery when Portuguese explorers set out across the oceans to seek the New World. They took one hundred years before they finally reached Japan in 1543. Please click here for detail.
