Greeting from Cost Rica! (Kyoko Hirano)

Dear Professor Hasegawa (CC Professor Hoffmann),
 Happy New Year Hasegawa sensei! I hope you are keeping yourself warm in spite of hard winter in Japan this year. I safely got back to Costa Rica about a week ago and the class started as usual. When we talked at the alumni party in December, you said you met a young professor who is from Germany and is professor of the University for Peace. Immediately, I thought that was Julia Hoffmann. So I talked with Julia today on campus and she was surprised at such a miracle connection!And also she mentioned that UNU and UPeace should have more connection in future. […]


【留学生だより】Chika Suefuji in UC Davis

Chika Suefuji has started her study at the University of California at Davis and has already many many friends. She says more than 30,000 students come from different continents and backgrounds to UC Davis which is one of the top 10 public universities in America.
