Ambassador Leon MALAZOGU of the Republic of Kosovo to Japan will speak on the impact of the UN intervention in contemporary Kosovo at an online ZOOM conference on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 from 16:00 to 17:30.


Ambassador MALAZOGU will also discuss the implication of the advisory opinion of 22 July 2010 of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) entitled “Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo” and its relevant orders. For details, please click here.


At the General Assembly of the Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, Dr. Keizo TAKEMI, adviser of the LDP’s Corona Countermeasures Headquarters, and the UHC Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed his views on the importance of international cooperation. (12/05/2020)


Dr. TAKEMI who is also Chairman of the Federation of Western Pacific Parliamentarians said that all nations must work together on issues common interest to the international community such as infectious diseases, and to establish an institutional framework for collaboration in order to contribute to global governance in the future.


Japan Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, chaired by Secretary-General Masaharu Nakagawa, approves the action plan for Year 2020. (12/05/2020)


Three events proposed and approved by the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement are (1) Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum (co-sponsored by the Diet Committee and the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan), (2) the Commission on Global Governance continues to address global issues, e.g. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender empowerment, and (3) a signature movement to establish the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.


Head of the Democratic Socialist Party of Japan Mizuho FUKUSHIMA found it worthy of listening to what Jacques Attali of France and Yuval Noah Harari for trying to deal with international peace, global environment, and coronavirus epidemic. (12/05/2020)


Rational solutions to these problems are should not be for finding solutions that benefit only oneself but that should have altruistic spirit. It should also serve the purpose of SDGs, i.e. “None should be left behind.”


Japan Communist Party Policy Chief Akira KASAI agreed with the recommendations of the Commission on Global Governance that Japan should foster the spirit of solidarity among nations and peoples in the fight against the spread of coronavirus and increasing income inequality throughout the world. (12/05/2020)


(日本語) 日本国憲法9条に基づいて持続可能な社会を構築するにあたって、今年75周年を迎えた被爆国の日本の役割を強調し、国家を超えた問題には超党派で対応すべきである。世界連邦国会委員会は、このグローバルガバナンス推進会の6つの分科会の提言を受け止め、米中の対立があるが戦後最悪のコロナ感染病のパンデミックと深まる格差問題には世界の全ての国が連帯すべきであると述べた。


Mr. Nobuyuki BABA of Japan Innovation Party emphasized the importance of maintaining liberal democratic principles in advocating the movement for world federalism. (12/05/2020)


Spread of new coronavirus is serious but not new as the mankind had experienced more deadly pandemic before such as the Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed millions of soldiers and people. The international community must be united in safeguarding the health and life of people around the world.


Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement held its annual meeting on May 12, 2020 at the International Conference Hall of the House of Representative Members Office Building. It was chaired by Mr. Seishiro ETO and moderated by Mr. Masaharu NAKAGAWA, the Secretary-General. (12/05/2020)


自民党からは伊吹文明元衆議院議長と共に大西英男、左藤章、三原朝彦の3人の衆議院議員と猪口邦子と武見敬三参議院議員が出席した。公明党より井上義久副代表、立憲民主党からは代表として福山哲郎幹事長、そして中川正春と山川百合子の2人の衆議院議員が参加した。国民民主党からは玉木雄一郎代表と浅野哲衆議院議員、維新の会からは馬場伸幸幹事長、共産党からは笠井亮衆議院議員そして社会民主党 福島瑞穂 党首が参加された。


Mr. Seishiro ETO, Chair of the Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement spoke about the importance of multilateral approach centered around the United Nations in mitigating global challenges at its annual meeting held at the International Conference Hall of the House of Representative Members Office Building. (12/05/2020)


衛藤征士郎会長は第二次世界大戦後に世界の著名人が国際連合をより完璧な機関として強化し、いずれはより強力な世界連邦政府を設立して世界から戦争を無くすことを決意したことを説明した。そして日本でも同じ問題意識を共有した国会議員が1049年に世界連邦国会委員会を創設し、現在は約120 名の超党派の議員がメンバーとなっており、衆参両院で決議案を採択している。衆議院では平成17年(西暦2005年)8月2日に被爆六十周年に当たり、尚且つ国際連合が創設以来六十年にわたり、国際平和の維持と創造のためにした努力に敬意を表した。そして更なる国際平和の構築への貢献を誓約し、政府は、日本国憲法の掲げる恒久平和の理念のもと、唯一の被爆国として、世界のすべての人々と手を携え、核兵器等の廃絶、あらゆる戦争の回避、世界連邦実現への道の探究など、持続可能な人類共生の未来を切り開くための最大限の努力をすべきであると決議した。参議院では日本の国連加盟60周年にあたる平成28年(2016)5月25日に更なる国際平和の構築への貢献を誓約する決議を採択してパリ同時多発テロをはじめ、世界各地で紛争・テロが続いているさなか、大量破壊兵器やミサイル技術の開発・拡散、難民・貧困問題、地球温暖化に伴う災害の増加、感染症をはじめとする疾病の拡大など、国家の枠組みを超え、世界全体で対処すべき課題が山積しており、国際連合が創設以来多年にわたり、国際平和の維持と創造のために貢献してきたことに敬意を表し、日本が率先して人類の平和と助け合いのために努力することを誓ったことを説明した。日本は憲法が掲げる恒久平和の理念のもと、国際機構の改革強化を目指しつつ、国際法の発展、核兵器廃絶など軍縮外交の推進、また人間の安全保障の実現を含む世界連邦実現への道の探求に努め、平和な未来を確実にするための最大限の努力をすべきであると明示したことは有意義であると語った。そしてこの高い理想に向けて世界連邦国会委員会の会長として勤めていく意思を表明した。


[Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement] Former Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Diet of Japan, Mr. Bunmei IBUKI, spoke about the role of political leaders in balancing “idealism” and “realism”. (12/05/2020)




[POSTPONED] Former UN Ambassador Kenzo OSHIMA of Japan will present the findings of the Independent Commission of Enquiry on Myanmar’s Rohingya problem on 29 March 2020. (29/03/2020)


The Independent Commission created by the Myanmar government presented its report on January 20 indicating that Myanmar security forces committed serious human rights violations or disproportionate use of force during the internal armed conflict in August-September 2017 in northern Rakhine State which led to mass displacement of Rohingya Muslims but that they did not commit genocide against the ethnic minority.