Online Discussion Meeting on the New Agenda for Peace Saturday, 19 August at 9:00 p.m. Tokyo time


In his opening speech to the online meeting of former UN Special Representatives and Ambassadors to the United Nations, Professor Tshilidzi MARWALA, Rector of the UN University, warned about “the weaponization of new and emerging technologies.” MARWALA also pointed out that the rapid “developments in artificial intelligence and quantum technology-related weapons systems are exposing the insufficiency of existing global governance frameworks.” In concluding his opening remarks, MARWALA echoed the call made by Secretary-General António Guterres “to explore, formulate, and present to the UN and its member states to take concrete actions to prevent the weaponization of emerging technologies and promote their responsible application.” Please click here for the full text of his opening remarks.


Visit the residence of the late Jiro Shirasu with Prof Takizawa and Mr. Inoue. (09/06/2023)


Professor Misako Takizawa invited Mr. Ken Inoue and me to visit the residence of the late Jiro Shirasu, who assisted Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida in dealing with General Douglas MacArthur. He is remembered in Japan for an incident in Christmas 1945 when he delivered a present from Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, to General Douglas MacArthur. When MacArthur told him to place it on the floor, Shirasu demanded a table to show respect.


GPAJ Seminar “Lessons Learnt from the Completion of Cambodia Khmer Rouge Trials” by Mr. Motoo NOGUCHI (10/02/2023)


Mr. Noguchi underlined the significance of the fact that Khmer Rouge crimes committed more than 40 years ago was finally punished, and justice was brought about, even partially. Of course, because there is no statute of limitations on war crimes or crimes against humanity, that should have a huge impact on the ongoing situation in Ukraine where countless war crimes are committed. It has become clear by the operation of this Cambodian tribunal that it is very difficult to escape the long reach of justice even after several decades. These are unfortunately useful lessons learned in this particular context of the ongoing war in Ukraine.