JCK Youth Forum organized by the United Nations Association of Japan and participated by Japanese, Chinese and Korean college students will be held at Sophia University in late August. (16/02/2019)


At the courtesy of Ms. Kim, several students of the secretariat are preparing to conduct a simulation conference of the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council. Seen in the photo are from the right: Yuki Nakai, Shion, Kusumi Saei, and Yamane Miko. Also shown is Nakano Shinsuke in computer screen participating in the preparatory meeting from Okinawa.Also participated are Maejima Daiki and Hino Moe.


The Chinese ambassador declares China will continue to actively participate in UN PKO to restore the peace and stability of the concerned countries and areas. (13/02/2019)


At an exhibition on “The Chinese Army to Protect the World Peace” held in New York, Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support, Atul Khare, commended China for currently deploying a total of 2,508 uniformed personnel, including 70 women, to 8 of the UN’s current peacekeeping missions, including UNMISS, UNIFIL, and MINUSMA. Khare also noted China has contributed approximately 5.8 million dollars to UN Peacekeeping through the Peace and Security Trust Fund since 2017.


Barbara Crossette reports the current restructuring of the UN may be sidelining UNDP Administrator Steiner, jeopardizing development work. (28/01/2019)


The President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) welcomed nearly two years ago the appointment of Achim Steiner as the Organization’s new Administrator. UNDP then occupied still the central role in the UN development system. Today, former and current officials of UNDP see the possibility of Secretary-General António Guerres’s organizational reform may put UNDP as uncertain if not in peril.


Second Geneva Dialogue on 2-4 September 2019 (28/01/2019)


Chef de Cabinet David Chikvaidze of United Nations Office in Geneva discussed and agreed to hold the second Geneva Dialogue between Asian Scholars and senior officials of UN and International Organizations on September 2-4, 2019 in a meeting held with Executive Director for Academic Exchange of UN Association of Japan and Director of ACUNS Liaison Office in Tokyo Sukehiro Hasegawa.


Prospect for Sustaining Peace in South Sudan discussed by Participants of GPAJ/ HPC Joint Review Meeting (10/01/2019)


Some participants found positive and encouraging signs while others remained skeptical about the possibility for South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and his major adversary, the former vice-president and opposition leader Riek Machar and other tribal leaders to translate the agreement reached in September 2018 into the formation of a stable government. A summary report of discussion will follow.


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 More than six months have passed since Mr. Kit Kitatani passed away. I recently met Mrs Akiko Kitatani. She is over 90 years old but very healthy, speak clearly and walk well. Please join me in wishing her continued good health and happiness throughout New Year 2019.


At the Peacebuilding Forum Tokyo 2018 held in Tokyo on December 8, former UN Under-Secretary-General Yasushi Akashi delivers opening remarks. (08/12/2018)


 Mr. Yasushi Akashi looked at how the UN peace operations had evolved over the years in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa and pointed out the need to ascertain how Japan can contribute to the UN peace operations in the future. Mr. Akashi served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative in Cambodia and in the former Yugoslavia.


[2018 Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum] Photo Album (08/12/2018)


 2018 Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum was held at JICA Ichigaya Building on December 8, 2018. It was opened by former Under-Secretary-General and Special Representatives of the Secretary-General Mr. Yasushi Akashi and keynote speech was delivered by Ambassador Fumio Iwai, Secretary-General of the Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters of the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan. Please find the program with pictures of meetings and participants.


Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan explains the importance of sports in resolving conflicts and building peace (01/12/2018)


 HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Generations for Peace met with GPAJ President Sukehiro Hasegawa, Vice President Mio Sato and Secretary General Masakuni Tanimoto and explained the activities of the Generation for Peace (GFP) since it was founded as a peace-through-sport initiative of the Jordan Olympic Committee in 2007.