Mr. Kimihito OKUBO, Founder of One Young World Japan Committee explains the significance of the One Young World Summit, which will be held in May 2022 in Tokyo, to be joined by 3,000 young leaders represented by 190 countries. Reported by Fujiko Amano. (05/12/2020)


On December 5, 2020, GPAJ held a seminar with Mr. Kimihito Okubo, the Principal and Founder of One Young World Japan Committee (his bio included at the end of this document). The idea of One Young World (OYW) was raised at the World Economic Forum in 2009 and it was founded in 2010. OYW, particularly through its Summit [which is referred to as “Young Davos” and which is also facilitated by “counsellors” like renowned politicians, activists, chief executive officers etc.] aspires to develop global youth leadership for future through jointly addressing and solving global problems and issues.


UN Role in Afghanistan critically examined by Ambassadors Ghafoorzai and Yamamoto in an Online Seminar hosted by GPAJ on October 31. (15/11/2020)


Senior Afghan Government Official, Youssof Ghafoorzai, was joined by former UN Special Representative Tadamichi Yamamoto in examining the role of UN in Afghanistan. Ambassador Ghafoorzai also explained the significance of peace talks between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban group that has taken place in Doha, Qatar on Sept. 12. 2020.


Arbenita Sopaj visits Tokyo and has a Lunch Meeting at Arabian Restaurant with Board Members, Elizabeth Gamarra, Ken Inoue and Sukehiro Hasegawa on how to cope with expanding GPAJ membership. (01/10/2020)


GPAJ Member, Arbenita Sopaj visited Tokyo from Kobe University this week. Arbenita has been an active member of GPAJ as one of the moderators for the zoom conference on “The Impact of the UN Intervention on Contemporary Kosovo” featuring Ambassador Leon Malazogu and others. She held an informal lunch with Sukehiro Hasegawa, President of GPAJ, Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Elizabeth Gamarra, member of the GPAJ Board.


Zhang Guihong:Future International Cooperation should pay More Attention to Human Security, Dignity, Equality and Freedom (23/09/2020)


In his article just published by China Daily on September 23, Director of the Research Center for United Nations and International Organizations of Fudan University, Professor Zhang Guihong, who is member of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan, recognizes the UN has a unique advantage in promoting universal values as well as global norms and ethics. Please click here for his full article.


“International Day of Peace” was held in temples, churches, and parks throughout Japan on September 21st from 12:00a.m., and in Tokyo, Princess Akiko took part in Zojyoji Temple (21/09/2020)


In Tokyo, Princess Akiko struck the peace bell at the ceremony held at Zojoji Temple. After the bell-beating ceremony, Sukehiro Hasegawa, chairman of the Japan Committee for International Peace Day, explained the purpose of the event. Then, Sen Genshitsu, president of the United Nations Association of Japan and the head of Urasenke, and Yoshiko Higashikuni, Chairman of the World Federation Culture and Education Promotion Council, gave a speech, and Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, gave a congratulatory address. Actress Mikako Yoshida then read a message from Fabrizio Hochschild, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Please clickhere. (Reporter: Yuuki Watanabe)


Farewell Lunch for Former Vice President Mio Sato (20/09/2020)


GPAJ Vice President Mio Sato will be appointed as IOM Office Director in Pakistan next month, and her successor, GPAJ Vice President Kumagai, organized a farewell lunch. It was most enjoyable to have eight members get together at the restaurant for the first time in a long time and talk to each other directly. Yumiko Kaneko, a UNDP staff in the Philippines and a GPAJ member, joined us. From right: Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Mio Sato, Director of IOM, Takaaki Mizuno, Professor of Kanda University of International Studies, Keiichi Tanabe, Professor of Tokai University, Yumiko Kaneko, UNDP staff, Sukehiro Hasegawa, GPAJ President, and Naoko Kumagai, Vice President and Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University.


“Turkey under the Erdogan regime” By Akio Miyajima, Japanese Ambassador to Turkey (12/09/2020)


Akio Miyajima, Japanese Ambassador to Turkey explained Turkey as a “rising power” with “volatility” and “resilience” in the turbulent Middle East region and beyond from various aspects including its diplomacy, military, domestic affairs, and economy. He emphasized that Turkey, a nation of 83 million people with tremendous potential holds the key to regional stability and global peacebuilding as the influence and commitment of the United States wanes and declines.


With Grandchildren, Kenji and Alisah (01/08/2020)


Last week flying from Narita to Zurich, I successfully entered Switzerland. Visited my son, Stefan Hiroshi, and his family in Geneva. Later this week, my wife and I will try to enter Germany to meet our second daughter, Corinne, who has lost her husband recently and her two children. Here is a photo of my grandchildren Kenji and Alisah.


Online Conversations with Former President and Nobel Prize Laureate, José Ramos-Horta and Former Under-Secretary-General and UNMIT Head, Ameerah Haq on Saturday, 5th of September from 10:00 -12:00 Tokyo Time. (05/09/2020)


The conversation topic will center on “Global Governance in the Post-Corona Era: The Role of the United Nations, the United States and East Asian Countries.” This seminar will be conducted in English. Please click here to learn more about the program details. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP with your name and updated email address to Ms. Elizabeth Gamarra via egamarra15[@] You will receive the official Zoom link prior to the event.


Ambassador Leon MALAZOGU of the Republic of Kosovo to Japan will speak on the impact of the UN intervention in contemporary Kosovo at an online ZOOM conference on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 from 16:00 to 17:30.


Ambassador MALAZOGU will also discuss the implication of the advisory opinion of 22 July 2010 of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) entitled “Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo” and its relevant orders. For details, please click here.


Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan makes public its Statement on the Pandemic of New Coronavirus (COVID-19) (25/06/2020)


The spread and unprecedented impact of the new coronavirus has revealed a wide range of vulnerabilities that human society should overcome as a human community. We are concerned that this pandemic poses a threat to the peace and security of humankind, and in order to overcome it, we need to aim at restoring multilateralism and building new global governance for conflict and disaster prevention.