[Myanmar] JICA Planning Assistance in Agriculture and Education (21st Aug 2012)







On 21 August 2012, Professor Hasegawa, 2 graduate students, and 9 undergraduate students received a briefing at JICA Myanmar Office in Yangon. Messrs Sato and Danjyo kindly briefed us about JICA’s plan to provide assistance in education and agriculture, and to minority ethnic groups in Myanmar.

Mr. Sato explained the status of technical assistance, grant aid and loans provided by Japan. He also mentioned that Japan would receive trainees in the fields of sports, health, farming, and IT. Mr. Danjyo told us about the need to change child education system. It is important for Myanmar to have an ownership towards the child-centered education. It is difficult and important to change the mentality of children in education. Finally, Mr. Sato mentioned the technical and financial assistance provided for removing landmines in ethnic minority states such as Kachin State. (Eri Iijima)

