[India/Bangladesh] Briefing by ILO office in India (31 Aug 2012)

On 31st August 2012, the India and Bangladesh study tour group visited International Labour Organization (ILO) office in India. First, Mr. Anandan P. Menon who is programme officer briefly explained activities conducted by ILO in India. Especially, he mentioned that child labour was the most serious problem in India. Next, Mr. Sher Verick who is senior employment specialist lectured the challenge of creating more decent work in a fast growing economy in India. Mainly, he gave a full detail of problems of poverty and stagnant of employment with help of some visual graphs. Last, Ms. Neetu Lamba who is programme officer focused on child labour and education. She said there were five important points of child labour. Among them, she emphasized on ILO conventions and importance of education for children in India. (Minshik KIM)