2010年11月23日に法政大学大学院G-GAP、法政大学法学部主催による「正義と平和構築」をテーマとしたシンポジウムを開催しました。初めに法政大学大学院政治学科研究科長下斗米伸夫教授が開会の辞を述べられ、国連大学より来校されたVesselin Popovski氏、二村まどか女史が、「正義」と「平和構築」の概念に関して説明をされた。3時からのシンポジウムでは、国連学術評議会(ACUNS)よりAlistair D. Edgar事務局長が国際社会における「正義」と「平和」は密接に結び付けられるものと描かれる一方、同時に2つは相反する目標でもある現実を踏まえ、正義と平和構築の観念、過程そして実践とに結びつけられた複雑な政治議論をアフガニスタン、カンボジア、コソボ、ウガンダでの経験と論議の比較の研究成果を基に討論した。ご講義の後は鈴木佑司教授がモデレーターとなって、参加者からの質問にEdgar氏が応答された後、長谷川祐弘教授より総括のコメントを頂いた。最後に、下斗米教授より閉会の辞を述べられた。(大山諒佑)
A memorial symposium on the topic of “Justice and Peacebuilding” was held on Tuesday, 23 November 2010, hosted by the Graduate School of Global and Asian Politics (G-GAP) and Faculty of Law of Hosei University. Professor Nobuo Shimotomai made an opening speech followed by Mr. Vesselin Popovski and Ms. Madoka Futamura, UNU Academic Programme Officers who delivered informative introductory ectures. Mr. Alistair D. Edgar, the Executive Director of the Academic Council on the United Nation system (ACUNS), made a keynote address. The guest speakers explained the relationships between “Justice” and “Peacebuilding” in the international community referring to a reality that justice cannot be
separated from peacebuilding in order to accomplish sustainable peace and vice versa, although they also can contradict each other at the
same time. Mr. Alistair Edgar made a detailed analysis of complex controversies surrounding the notion, process, and practice that
“Justice and Peacebuilding” have, based on his personal observations in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Kosovo, and Uganda. Professor Yuji Suzuki
moderated a discussion participated by a number of students and visitors from the UN system including Mr. Harada of UNMIS. Profesor
Sukehiro Hasegawa summarized the key issues raised during the discussion. The symposium was closed by Professor Nobuo Shimotomai.(Ryosuke Ohyama)