On September 10, the study group visited a local market to observe how the local people sold and bought goods. After lunch, the group visited a community radio station and saw radio broadcasting in action. Later, the group visited the Japanese Embassy and heard from Ambassador Kitahara about the Japanese assistance. (Shohei Suzuki)
Another group received briefings from local NGOs such as KnK, Share, and Ba Futuru. KnK supported informal educations in 4 districts in Timor-leste. SHARE (Services for the Health in Asian& African Regions) was providing assistance to popularize the primary health care. Ba Futuru (which means in English, “For the future” ) aimed at transforming mistrust and violence into peace and self-directed growth by supporting people in Timor-leste. Remarkably, all of speakers were women. The study tour participants recognized women’s power and their needs in developing country indeed. (Yuho Nakagawa)