Mr. Masahiko KIYA has just been appointed Japanese Ambassador to South Sudan. In 2009 and 2010, Mr. Kiya visited Hosei University and delivered lectures twice on Japan’s role in the United Nations. Prior to Ambassador Kiya’s departure for South Sudan, a farewell lunch was hosted by Professor Sukehiro HASEGAWA and participated by MOFA and JICA officials.

and other participants for the lunch.
Mr. Kiya was interacting with Mr. Kotaro TAKAHASHI at Hosei University on 11th May 2010.(See also the seminar article then)
On 12th May 2009, Mr. Kiya was responding to a question
posed by Ms. Chika SUEFUJI, who was then a Hosei student and is now a staff of UNHCR.(See also the seminar article then) |