Mr. Hiroto Kiyozumi, the leader of the preparatory secretariat for the 2015 JCK Youth Forum. He will be supported by Ms. Eriko Kawashima, Ms. Kwon Bomi, Ms. Kiyomi Ikenoue, and Ms. Ayaka Mae.

(the leader of the preparatory secretariat for the 2015 JCK Youth Forum)
The preparatory work for the upcoming youth forum in South Korea in September 2015 have started with its first meeting held on 31st January with the participation of Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, Ms. Sachiko Akiyama, Secretary-General and Ms. Kim of the UN Association of Japan. The second and third meetings were held on 14th and 28th March to prepare for Japanese participation in this year’s forum. Mr. Hiroto Kiyozumi will lead the preparatory work secretariat that includes Ms. Kiyomi Ikenoue, Ms. Kwon Bomi, Ms. Eriko Kawashima, and Ms. Sayaka Mae who participated in the last year’s forum held in Xi’an, China in September 2014.
Eriko Kawashima
Kwon Bomi
Kiyomi Ikenoue
Ayaka Mae
As the aim of this preparatory work for the youth forum is to find well qualified students and to prepare them for the challenge they will face in their encounter with Chinese and Korean counterpart students at the youth forum, we are responsible for making thorough and elaborate preparations for the next five months. As the first step, we will start inviting applications from students on 1st April. At the preparatory meeting held on 18th March, we agreed on the basic criteria for applications in terms of age, educational background, academic knowledge, communication skills and leadership quality.
(Ayaka Mae)
2015 JCK Youth Forum will no doubt discuss the relationship among the three East Asian countries. Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of China, has taken the initiative to establish and go ahead with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Mr. Ban Ki-moon from the Republic of Korea has been serving as the Secretary-General of the United Nations since 2007 and Jim Yong Kim, the President of the Word Bank since 2012. In this situation, we need to think how Japan can establish a positive relationship with our neighboring countries at a new stage.